
Debut ball (5)

The Dowager Empress is looking for any way to embarrass me. Again.

She just told me that I'm having too much fun for a woman whose husband is on the front. And she's waiting for a reply that she expects to be flawed.

My answer comes without delay.

«I can't say I am not worried, your majesty. But I believe in Alexander's... in my husband's capabilities.»

I use his name, pretending it to be a slip of tongue, to show her how close we actually are.

«I will be at ease when he comes back to me, it's true,» I continue. «But I know him enough to understand that he will finish his task like he always does. I haven't heard of anyone in the Empire with his efficiency and precision. Am I perhaps wrong, your majesty?»

I turn towards the Emperor, waiting for his reply. He doesn't have real choices about his words, so I'm not that nervous to hear them.

«Indeed.» He nods. He owes me at least this acknowledgement, if not a formal one.

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