
A (not so) assertive Lady

During the night, I have a weird dream. It's one of those where I see myself from outside, and this time I'm not even that disoriented.

It's not the first time it happens, so I'm getting used to it.

«It has been such a long meeting,» I sigh. «This Queen just wants to forget about state affairs for an evening...»

I throw myself on the bed, while the person looking at me walks to it.

«I'm at my Queen's service,» this person mutters, and they reach out for my fingers. My hand is cold but soft, and I can see traces of ink under my nails.

I must have been working for the whole day, scribbling and signing a mountain of papers.

Oh, I miss my job so much!

«Would you like to see something amusing?» I inquire while sitting up and smiling brightly. «Today the city is celebrating the Day of the Moon. You'll like it!»

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