
Some writing talent

«You girls go back to your stroll, you don't need to pay attention to us,» the man says, getting up and walking to them.

I take the chance to fix the shawl on my shoulder and move the hair behind the ears. I won't look presentable no matter what I do, so I just move the locks away from my eyes.

Now, several people are looking at me. Most of them are girls or servants, and they're staring at me with contempt. Their accusing eyes won't move away, and no one looks willing to help me.

I get up on my own and dust the skirts. My left cheek is burning, and my palms are full of little scratches.

«What are you doing here, George?» one of the girls asks, curiously staring at the man. «This is the Duke's private garden.»

«I got an invitation,» the man answers simply.

«Who invited you?»

«The Duchess!»

I'd like so much to open my mouth and say that I haven't invited anyone, but who would believe me?

«And you thought about beating the Duchess after she invited you here?» Princess Lyland comments from the back.

The group of people splits into two halves, letting her walk to the front.

«You sure need to learn some manners!» she continues. She reaches me and gently holds my hand. She smiles when I look at her with a wary expression, and she pulls me towards the bench. She invites me to sit down.

Even though she's younger than me, I feel like being taken care of by a nanny or an aunt.

«If the Duchess didn't shout, we wouldn't have seen this,» whispers one of the girls. «What a scandal. How will the Duke react?»

«Do you really believe she invited George over? When did they even meet?»

«I don't think she did, but who cares about that? In the end, the Duchess was taken advantage by...»

Princess Lyland turns her head and glares to the group of people.

«Disperse!» she orders, and they all run away in different directions.

Only the man named George stays.

«This witch dared to seduce me,» he comments, looking at Princess Lyland with an annoyed grimace. «I was teaching her a lesson. You should be thankful that I'm your brother's friend, your highness...»

The girl at my side doesn't move a muscle while turning my hand and observing the small cuts on the palm. She takes out a handkerchief and starts to clean the wounds carefully.

«If I see you in this garden again, invited or not, your head will decorate the Palace's walls,» she says as if she was talking about ribbons and fabrics.

«Are you defending her, now? She's a witch from the south, what right does she have to be a member of the royal family?»

«Shall I repeat myself?» the girl mumbled, tilting her head and smiling gently.

George turns on his feet and walks away in a huff.

«In the end, you'll receive what you deserve!» he says to me before disappearing.

«You two, step away,» the Princess then utters to the maids.

Patricia and the other girl nod, and they walk to another tree. They stay there, in the shadow, glancing at me from time to time.

«Thank you for your help,» I say, and I notice that my voice is unsteady. I'm now breathing normally, but the fright of before is still lodging in my heart.

«What happened?» she asks in a firm tone.

«I don't know,» I shrug. «I've never seen that person before, and I've never invited anyone in the garden. When I sat here, he jumped out of nowhere and started to harass me. He acted as if we knew each other, but it's not the case... I really haven't done anything to let him think...»

«I believe you,» she says, smiling tenderly. She moves a lock of my hair and caresses my cheek like the Duke uses to do. «You know, here in the Empire, women don't shout when getting harassed. It's a big shame, so they keep quiet and hope that no one will find out...»

A gelid thrill passes through my whole body.

«That's the reason why they were so chatty, before,» she continues. «My brother will surely scold me for this! I'm responsible for the garden, including security. When he hears that a stranger got in... And that he beat my sister-in-law, at that...»

Her words are carefree, but her tone is always sweet. She's trying to hearten me, and I'm grateful for that.

«I will stay with you until my brother comes back,» she says then. «You don't need to be alone.»

Then, I remember the poem that I wrote this morning.

«I wanted to thank you for helping me out during the tea party,» I start. I take out an envelope from my purse, and I pass it to Princess Lyland. «When I was a child, I used to write poems for the people that took care of me. They would always say that I have some writing talent, but I'm not sure they were telling the truth.»

«Isn't lying to the Queen a crime?» she asks, curious.

«Yes, but it's worse if you make her cry,» I reveal. «I stopped writing because I didn't have time, so my skills are rusty now...»

Princess Lyland smiles brightly, evidently happy for the thought. Maybe, she's just pretending like everyone else. Still, at this moment, I need to think that I can make someone smile.

«Xander will be so jealous of me, now!» she giggles. «Do you want to go back to your room? I can accompany you.»

«There is no need to inconvenience your highness,» I utter. «I'll go on my own. The maids are always with me, so I won't be alone.»

She glances at the tree with a complicated expression.

«All right,» she says, in the end. «If you need anything, let me know. I'll leave Lea with you. She's one of my maids. If you need me, just tell her, and she will come to find me.»

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