


Melisca walked out on Lorna. With hurried footsteps, she leads the way to the parking lot, where her big bike had stayed safely. Upon reaching the area, rows of the motorcycle had lined up, hers was at the far end. She fished some bills from her jean's pocket and snatched one helmet that was dangled at one of the motorcycle grips. It wasn't stealing for she placed several bills on the seat. She shortly turned to Lorna and the girl stopped a few feet away from her.

Lorna looked at her with wide eyes and was panting. She looked winded, probably from trying to catch up to her quick steps. Melisca tossed the newly bought helmet from one of the other motorcycles.

The girl caught it with both hands and glanced at Liz to ask her where it came from, but the woman had already turned around and approached her big bike.

"Let's hurry up before I eat you." She said nonchalantly and continued to her service.

When she reached her own ride, she directly put on the rider gloves that she kept inside her jacket pocket and next the headgear.

Lorna hastily secured her new helmet on her head. She wanted to ask the woman where she got it but she bit her bottom lip instead, to refrain from asking for now. Knowing the woman was not in the mood because of hungriness. She too had an empty stomach, but she has to stop Liz from eating, at least until after the test that the woman doesn't know about.

But should she risk her life over the woman's stomach? She sighed frustratingly, afraid for her dear life for she knows how Liz enjoys her speed. She is a great driver anyway, so the only thing she can do is to hold on tight as the woman said.

When Liz had settled herself on the front and kicked the stand back, Lorna quickly propped herself behind. At least the driver waited for her to be properly seated and secured her duffel bag that it won't fall off during their ride. Then Liz hit on the engine, they started on their way out of the parking lot and into the main road.

'Please let me live another lot of years.' Lorna mumbled under her breath and her eyes closed.

"Let me breathe!" Melisca exclaimed to the girl. The tight grip of arms in her stomach won't allow any air to flow.

Lorna slightly loosened her hold unto Liz and the woman sucked a large breath as her shoulders raised.

Melisca then exhaled her frustration as she managed her strength in the handgrip, she might break the handle anytime now. With jaw twitching, she bit her lower lip to divert her rage into a little bit of pain.

She's hungry that she wanted to toast the girl alive and bury her corpse to feed the earth's decomposers.

If only she doesn't need Lorna, then she doesn't have to control her actions and limit her attitude.


Gigantic trees and fresh grasses covered the surroundings of where Ezekiel was walking, taking his time with each step. The noon rays from the sun barely touch the ground for the vibrant leaves and thick branches draped the forest's earth.

His eyes on his foot, kicking some small stones on his way, hands at the back, rubbing the ring with his thumb. The stoic face he got and the slight crease between his eyebrows appeared.

He had been searching for her, and at last, he found his mate, in the most unexpected circumstances. Before, he was so eager to bring her home when they met again. But what had he done? He left her on the hotel bed. He even blessed her knife. After having heard the scene where she killed the werewolf, he can't just take away her freedom, her goal. Yet, the danger she's gotten herself was way too much, then again, he doesn't want to mess up her plans.

Not wanting to complicate her mission, he made her unconscious by pinching a nerve in her neck before she saw him. He had done nothing to help the wolf who killed her father.

Still, he can't let her run around, killing his people, the lives he swore to protect and beings he kept to grow.

She had joined hands with his enemies. How would he bring her to their side of the war?

'I'm half of your kind.' Her voice echoed in his head. She's a werewolf, but what does she mean by half?

Ezekiel started to collect his memories from their encounters. When he had first found her at the police station, she felt human, a mortal one. Argon hadn't suspected anything strange from her also. Then she surprised him of being a wolf too. The hatred she got against her kind was too intense.

He needed answers and he thought Rullo was able to comply with them, the alpha of Wildcrest pack.

"Alpha king." Greeted by one of the forest rangers from the pack village, even bowing his head for submission and respect to him.

He just realized that he's now at the front of the entrance. Rangers around had faced and nodded to his direction. The huge metal brown and black gate stood highly before him, with solid brick walls as barriers from outsiders.

"Alpha." A familiar voice and face approached him.

"Drasco, any news from the pack?" He tilted his head towards the gate.

Before answering, his companion heaved a deep breath and uttered, "Two wolves were found dead at the entrance of the forest just this morning."

Drasco forced himself to look at his alpha's face. His body stood petrified of the information he just disclosed to his leader. Knowing that this would completely upset him, but he noticed Ezekiel's expression remained calm. He doesn't look surprised or anything.

"Where's Rullo?" Zek asked with jaw twitching.

"At the mansion hall, having lunch with his family and the council." He replied with a steady voice.

"Prepare my drink from the limo and bring it to my room, then tell Rullo that we would talk in private after I freshen up."

Drasco barely nodded for compliance when his alpha disappeared out of thin air. The gust of wind he left blew some leaves on the ground.


"Turn left! Do you see that Capital Hospital? That's our stop." Lorna shouted for the last time. Her breathing ragged and face red with tension with every overtaking Liz did. The woman would gladly kill her any chance that they got to speed up without any authority looking and the other vehicles would complain from their tail of overlapping them, even crossing to the other line of the highway.

And Liz hit the breaks hard, if Lorna hadn't been holding onto her so tight, she would be flying from the sudden stop.

Melisca heard Lorna's grunting and curses of her under the girl's breath. She didn't mind though, she had scared her enough in their whole ride.

Lorna jumped off the big bike and took off the helmet. "You can park it over there, I'll wait at the entrance." Then she gave her headgear to Liz, the woman nodded and started to the vacant parking space of motorcycles as she walked up the few steps at the opening doors of the building.

Melisca turned off the engine and pulled up her helmet. She placed it on the top of her seat. Seeing the parking guard eyeing her, she nodded to him. At least she would worry less that her headgear won't be stolen randomly.

The noon had turned cloudy as she glanced up at the gloomy skies. She's thankful enough that there's a shed for the motorcycle parking.

As she began approaching the entrance, her stomach grumbled and a slight discomfort occurred that there was a hole dug up inside. A hollow that can only be fulfilled if she ate her heart out. Groaning, she hurried on her steps and stopped before the girl.

"Can we at least eat? My stomach's starting to hurt." She bit her lower lip to cease the trembling. She hated that her voice sounded like begging for permission. Her eyes pleading to the girl to make up her wish.

Lorna avoided Liz's stare. Hands inside the front pocket of her jacket, clenching and unclenching inside. She sighed and took a step forward closer to the woman.

"Look, I haven't let you eat for this is necessary for the test to be done faster." Starting straight at her so Liz would get her point. "This is the last stage you have to undergo before we consider you joining the clan officially. If you passed, then you are welcome to the organization."

"And if I fail?"

"You'll find it out later. But right now, we are already late for the appointment. Are you coming or not?" Lorna turned to the door.

"What time is the appointment?"


Liz glanced at her wristwatch. "We are only 30 minutes late." She then followed the girl walking inside.

The white corridors and the strong smell of antiseptics attacked her nose.

"Why the hospital? What's the test?" She hasn't taken off her riding gloves to protect her skin from anything inside the building. She hated medical facilities. Humans consider it both a safe and dangerous place, for her it's only the latter.

She avoided places like this for she feared that if any one of them took a piece from her, especially her blood, it might create chaos in scientific researches and experiments of her.

"Would you take a blood sample from me?" She inquired, forcing her voice to sound calm though her heart was already at a race.

"No, it's not necessary."

Then she releases a large breath through her mouth. But, she still felt strange for what's about to happen.

"You haven't answered my first question."

"You'll find out soon." They entered the elevator and Lorna pressed the 12th button. People had come and gone along their way up.

When the door finally opened to their floor, a familiar man greeted them as they stepped out of their ride.

"You're late." The guy sternly said to Lorna.

"Sorry, we woke up late, Ric. We haven't even eaten yet."

The guy is Lorna's partner, the one who suspected her the most. He only glared at her when Lorna wasn't looking then he led them to another door.

The whole floor seemed quiet, undisturbed. The fibreglass door with blurred surface Rico opened for them and they all entered.

A woman with a white medical robe and shoulder short wavy blonde hair stood at the far corner among the cabinets of medical equipment.

"They're finally here, Doctor," Rico said and closed the door behind them. Melisca swallowed, the feeling of danger creeping up in her mind.

The doctor faced them and Melisca stared at her, a loss for words as she just boldly looked at the woman. She somehow got a resemblance to her mother, the high cheekbones and her smile. The woman's grinning face when she pulled Lorna close for a tight hug.

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