
CHAPTER 52: Little Child (Part 1)

The thing that I liked the most about this therapist, I mean Gabe, that he didn't tell me that what I see is just illusions dressed up as my deepest desires. Plus he wasn't cool about me calling myself crazy and delusional.

He said that it's all understandable and that nothing is wrong with my methods of dealing with my past trauma.

Although, he believes that I should not keep my true desires locked up deep down my subconscious. Because, at all costs it will comes a time when it all will shows up unexpectedly, he said.

However, now I'm alone at home after Andrew dropped me at 6 PM. He says that he has some important arrangements to make, related to the party we're having fifteen days from now. Well, Anthony said Saturday that it's going to be in fifteen days from that night.

So I guess now it's not that long of time anymore, it's just coming closer day by day.

Which is logical, but I'm not ready for it AT ALL.

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