
CHAPTER 38: Battling The Voices

Andrew's POV:

[Remember, I used to be an innocent child...]

I'm going to be normal and sane one day, I can be normal and have a normal life. I can achieve this just as everything else I've done.

Someday I'll wake up and find myself in a beautiful world, the one I've always dreamed of. Since I was a little kid, I used to sit by myself in my room and close my eyes and fantasize about that perfect world.

Me, my mother, Adrian and my father. All together and happy, without the outside world.

Just the four of us and nobody else to disturb this peace.

I used to imagine a place where I didn't have to listen to my mother's screams all days and nights,

A place where my father wasn't so cruel that he locked her in her room so she couldn't go out and buy drugs.

A world where my mother wasn't a drug addict in the first place, the thing that started everything. The thing that caused us all this suffering and pain.

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