Izuku was sad and committed suicide. She was reborn in the avatar dimension, with a personal one hell of a butler named Sebastian Mitchell.
When life goes wrong and everything in your light turns bleak, only answering with a nod or so. When you feel the urge to strike and kill down anything you're told to do, when you can't think your own thoughts, without them being used against you. Where you can't be free, without being caught. Who life just throws you under the bus, you're not allowed to live unless the world allows you. All the pain people cause lingers on you and your soul, what you lost eats you alive. Trying to get free from the dread life pulls you through. Nothing can break the line of your internal sadness. So, you give your last standing of power to someone else, who will make a better standing then you and pass on. That's the easiest way to go about, explaining Izuku Midoriya's story.
Izuku Midoriya, you would think she is an average adorable girl that gets hurt a lot, by the bandages on her. But, is that really her. Izuku Midoriya, is the #1 girl that gets bullied in UA. After she got cheated on by Todoroki and everyone said that she is the one that cheated, life gone to shit from there. Izuku tried to keep happy but it didn't happen. Teachers started ignoring her and All Might started pushing her more, making her extremely tired. Izuku would go to her mother and cry, until she died from cancer. Izuku was an empty shell walking with a smile and skip in her step. Bakugou her childhood friend and bully, doesn't even look at Izuku or talk to her in a mean way anymore. Izuku was gone, the only thing keeping her alive is the kindness Koda and Shoji show towards her, even though it ain't much, it is enough. She had Eri and Kota that she lived visiting too.
Izuku walked into the classroom smiling and sat down pulling out her school stuff. She heard her class whisper about her. She pulled out her school supplies, Todoroki knocked her stuff off her desk. He just walked off like it never happened. Izuku picked up her stuff, humming a bit. When she looked straight at her teacher that was in front of the class. "Good morning class, let's just get started with class." He said, Izuku paid attention and wrote everything down.
As class finished she put her stuff in her bag. She stood up with her bag on her back. When she stood up, somebody yanked her hair. Izuku just turned around, "What can I do you for?" Izuku asked, smiling. Looking at the 3 girls in front of her, Momo, Jiro, and Mina. "Stop with the stupid smile, it looks ugly on you." Jiro said, rolling her eyes scoffing. "Oh, I like my smile." Izuku said, smiling with teeth. Mina slapped Izuku's face using her quirk by accident, Izuku's face had a hand print that was melted mark. The girls squeaked, Izuku just smiled. "All good, I'll fix myself later." Izuku said, Mina scoffed. "I wasn't apologizing." Mina said, "I guess you weren't, huh?" Izuku said, sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck. Mom scoffed, "Oh shut up already. Don't you even know that a slut like you doesn't belong in the hero course. For fuck sakes I'm surprised you haven't selled your body yet. Trash like you with no parents, nothing to live for, shouldn't be alive." Momo said, angerly. Izuku smiled and slapped Momo across the face surprising everyone. "You were waiting until I finally acted out, there it is. Are you happy now?" Izuku asked, smiling. "You bitch!" Momo yelled, spiting out blood. Izuku just sighed, "You guys are sad, it makes me almost want to laugh at it." Izuku said, chuckling. Izuku walked away smiling, Izuku got things thrown at her as she walked down the hall with a smile as some tears slipped her eyes.
Izuku got out of the school, she meet up with Allmight. "Young Midoriya, be tough your not allowed to cry. It makes you weak!" All might said, huffing in anger. "Okay, I'm sorry, All might!" Izuku yelled, bowing. "Time to train!" All Might yelled, Izuku did what he said and started pushing herself. When she was finished she was on the ground panting. "I will see you tomorrow, don't be late!" All might yelled, Izuku looked to her side seeing 2 people in the distance.
All might left and the 2 figures approached. "Deku-san!" Eri yelled, happily, while hugging Izuku's half dead body. "Hello deku." Mirio said, looking away. Izuku pet Eri's long hair. "Hello Eri-chan." Izuku said, softly. "Are you okay, Deku-chan?" Eri asked, worry in her eyes. "I'm fine, my love." Izuku said, smiling. Izuku sat up with Eri in her lap. "Your so pretty, deku-chan. I want to be as pretty as you." Eri said, smiling. Izuku hugged Eri, giggling. "You silly girl, your gorgeous inside and outside." Izuku said, stroking her hair. "Thank you, deku-kun!" Eri said, "Never want to be someone's else, my love. Be you and you'll be someone who will make a change." Izuku said, smiling. "Okay!" Eri said giggling. Izuku stood up with Eri in her arms. "DEKU-CHAN! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU CHEEK IT LOOKS MELTED!" Eri yelled, worried. Izuku smiled and placed her forehead on Eri's. "Don't worry about me, my sweetie. It will just make you go crazy if you do." Izuku said, kissing Eri's cheek. Eri smiled even though she was worried. "Lets go play!" Eri yelled, Izuku chuckled. Izuku looked behind her and saw Mirio was gone. "What do you want to do?" Izuku asked, smiling. "Lets bake cupcakes!" She yelled, Izuku smiled. "Okay, my love." Izuku said, she started walking to the dorms. "I love you, Izuku." Eri said, Izuku had tears in her eyes from the words she hasn't heard in a long time. "I love you, too." Izuku said with a tremble in her voice. Eri heard that and hugged Izuku.
A couple tears fell from her eyes and hugged Eri back. Izuku walled into the dorm, people were surprised to see Eri.