

Wintertown, 291 AC, Alisa Mormont POV.

Alisa and her Mormont host was only half a day's ride to Winterfell, but she wants to be well-rested, along with her guards. She doesn't want it, but should there be a fight, she doesn't want her guards dying like an untrained pigs.

She sighed, looking at the Nightfall on her waist, Alisa wanted a blacksmith to rework this long sword into rapier. Maybe then, she could have a rapier and hopefully, a dagger also. She may be trained into different weapons on her previous life, or weaponless, on that regard. Northern Frontier Clan can be considered barbarians in the Empire, teaching that weaklings should die.

Alisa's previous life was known to love her subordinates, and she does, but doesn't have the compassion she has now. It will be important, now that she'll rule the Bear Island. Alisa will bring his uncle the Longclaw, he'll deliver the ancestral sword when he's in the end of his life. Hopefully.

Being one and ten name day can be a big disadvantage, it's the reason she blatantly let her Teigu be shown where there's people, so that others will know that she's not an ordinary Lady child. Many will call her an abomination, or a sorcerer, but as long as she doesn't use it to hurt others, except his enemies, it will be alright in the end. And, the North knows the big changes she's done with Bear Island, they know the complete respect for her, they know to fear her punishments, and they know what she's capable of, with Teigu or not.

Alisa really hopes that Lord Stark will be understanding, or she may let Tatsumi rampage inside the castle walls.

Speaking of Tatsumi, he's an adult now, ranging three and a half as his height, and bulging with muscled build from all Alisa's training and daily workouts for soldier bears. And of course, Joy is not having her third generation of bear cubs.

Sighing loudly, she took off her armour and and bear-furred clothes, leaving her in her small clothes. Now, big day tomorrow.


Winterfell, 291 AC, Eddard Stark POV.

He received Mormont riders in Winterfell, informing him the Lady of Bear Island is an hour's ride. Eddard ordered his family and household. His guardsmen, Alyn and Wyl guarding the castle gates, with Jory Cassel as the guard captain. His Steward, Vayone Poole, standing beside his daughter, Jeyne Poole. Eddard's wife on his left, Catelyn Stark, carrying the one name day Brandon, his second born boy and fourth child. On his right was his heir and firstborn, Robert Stark, or Robb, a mix of auburn hair of Tullys and grey eyes of Starks. Beside Robb, is his most beautiful auburn-haired daughter, a lady in making by his wife. Then, her wild and down to earth Stark second daughter, Arya. She has wolf's blood showing even two name days old, and she's the reason Eddard's silky black hair has a speck of white hair on the roots.

The horn was blown, Lady Mormont will be entering the castle gates. Now, he has to judge the She-bears daughter, if she is really young warrior as the rumor says, and other 'blessings'. A white destrier, horse of knights, entered the gates with the Lady of Bear Island riding at the back. Her small stature, almost 5'5 in height, would make anyone think to underestimate her, but her eyes says it all. She had killed, Eddard knows it well. Alisa Mormont has flowy silk of black hair, with a hint of brown honey color when flashed with light, and haunting icy blue eyes, as if Winter has come and no one would dare hide from its harsh coldness.

The yard was silent, except for the hooves of Mormont horse riders. The atmosphere was strange... and slightly suffocating. Ned had to admit, Alisa has the complete loyalty of her people, seeing their eyes trained with utmost respect and reverence to the Lady. He looked at the mounted Alisa Mormont, staring at him hauntingly, as if searching for any bad bone in his very soul. After a few moments of silence and staring, the cold atmosphere dispersed. Lady Mormont dismounted her horse, a small quake of the earth, an ice stairs formed at the ground to assist her dismounting.

Anyone can hear the audible gulping in the silenced crowd. Ned had to admit, this small show of power brought her standing rising, but in the end, she is the vassal of House Stark and he is her liege Lord. Lady Alisa walked in front of Eddard, before kneeling. Ned exhaled the breath he unknowingly been holding back.


Alisa Mormont POV.

The ceremony was quick, and the feast brought some joy in the halls of Winterfell, somewhat. Starks have benefitted from the wealth of Bear Island, the tax have risen due their trades. All of his vassals had bountiful foods supplies from the trade business of Bear Island, not just the gold flowing but the people can no longer feel the hunger.

After all the pleasantries, Alisa entered Lord Stark's solar. It's time to talk business.

Lord Stark, the famous brood, nodded her way, beside him is the castle's Maester, Maester Luwin, she thinks. ALisa also nodded, " Lord Stark, Maester."

"Lady Mormont." Stark straightened up, hid back clinging to the chair. "We have a lot to discuss."

Alisa sat in front of Eddard, crossing her arms, "Aye, we do, Lord Stark."

"Let's not dawdle with any more pleasantry words, Northermen are know to be straight to the point." Which Alisa nodded, Eddard continued, "First would be, Ser Jorah's crimes, and his wife involvement. Are you or are you not involve from this crimes?"

"I'm not, I swear to the honor of my people and my bannerman." Alisa looked straight to his eyes, "Jorah escaped before I was informed of his crimes."

"And you swear you did not delayed the King's Justice?" Ned asked.

Alisa nodded, "I swear."

Maester Luwin at the side, spoke, "Then, after that problem, we have to ask, Bear Island signed no charter for port town, nor were we informed of this port town to be built, along with your castle, Darknorth, and makings of Naval military and standing army."

In which Ned nodded. "Yes, when Jorah requested the ships at the siege of Pyke, he has no indication that he will use the ships for making Naval power in the west coast, but I relented to his request as he said it would used to transport Thralls and Saltwives away from Pyke."

"If it is charter you want, I have it." Alisa spoke with confidence, taking a old paper, but the words are still understandable. She passed it to Maester Luwin, saying, "It is evident enough, you did not know this permit. If you do not believe it, you'll see at the bottom who signed it."

"King Rodrik Stark...?" Maester was stunned, his mind was circulating wildly, "It was when King of Winter, Rodrik Stark, has given the Mormonts the Bear Island from Driftwood King of Iron Islands."

Ned was shocked by the development, stunned really. Alisa on the side, spoke, "And the Starks has their debt left unpaid from the Mormonts, or do you not remember your histories?"

Ned was baffled, "Speak your mind, Lady Mormont, what debts?"

"When Brandon the Burner-" Ned's and Maester Luwin's heart rose to their throats, "-burned the entire fleet of the Northern Navy Fleet, the Mormont Fleet, especially, was his favorite to burn in the Bay of Ice." Alisa rose from her seat, while Ned and Maester Luwin was speechless, unable to give any rebuke or excuse. "But the Mormonts yielded to their Lord, hoping one day, they will remember this slight. But it was forgotten. The North remembers, they always do, Lord Stark, so can we discuss another concern of yours?"

Ned was silent, clutching his hands on the charter, before he spoke, "House Stark will honor your charter made by King Rodrik Stark, and for compensation for the slight... House Mormont will be exempted for seven years of tax."

"You can do better than that, Lord Stark. I don't want exemption, as the last things I want is the Northern House hate the Mormonts for this. I only want land." Alisa smiled wildly, sensing the opportunity for Bear Island.

Maester Luwin was shaking his head no, saying to Ned not to accept, but Ned relented, "What land, Lady Mormont?"

"The gift."

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