
Chapter 78 - Offering Help

"Seriously?! Right after you arrived?" asked a surprised Yurika.

"Yes! There we were, arriving at home, and the first thing we see was Onii-chan and mom naked, about to have sex with each other on the couch" said Rina in indignation.

"I already said sorry, okay?" said Takashi.

"We warned you when we would arrive home Taka-chan. You should have payed more attention at the time" admonished Anna.

"We were distracted..." tried to reply Takashi.

"Yeah, with each other. You already have us and that skank, Yariko. How much of a pervert can you be?!"

Takashi found himself as the target of three judgmental stares.

It had being this way ever since the three of them had being together earlier.

The morning hadn't being that much different than usual, with Takashi and the two sisters getting ready to go to school together. There was still a little amount of tension from the fight of the previous day, but Anna and Rina at least were already able to look at their mother, Yuria, in the eye again.

Takashi had texted to Yurika asking if she wanted to go to school with them, and she had agreed very quickly. The four of them had known each other for a very long time, but with the two sisters believing that Yurika didn't knew about their situation a rift was formed between them.

He thought that now might be a good time to make everyone clear about their situation.

Unfortunately it developed in all three of them turning against him.

He was perfectly aware that this kind of situation was likely to happen in a harem once in a while, and right now it was certainly the perfect moment for it to happen again.

"Okay girls, I think Taka-kun already suffered enough" said Yurika.



They agreed with Yurika, although clearly they still were dissatisfied.

"I'm really sorry for what happened. I didn't wanted for the two of you to see us like that" said Takashi.


"How about this? Tomorrow and after tomorrow I take the each of you on a date..."

"Me first!"


He barely stated his offer and Rina immediately jumped at it. Anna on the other hand seemed to be distracted with something, with her mind partially elsewhere and a small frown on her face.

They discussed for a few minutes about where they should go, with Yurika suggesting a few activities for them as well, but during the entire time Anna looked like she was distracted with something else.

Takashi recognized that look. She was like that when something was troubling her.

In the past he would let it be, since she was able to deal with the situation herself. It was also a way to give her motivation to return to the Liberty Club, that would lower her resistance to Takashi's eventual move on her.

Now that they were in a relationship, he would do everything possible to help her in whatever she needed.

"Anna-nee, what's wrong?"


"You look like there's something troubling you"

"Now that you mentioned, you have being absentminded for some time already Anna" said Yurika.

"Is something wrong Onee-chan?" asked a worried Rina.

Suddenly being the target of three worried gazes Anna was flustered.

"I-it's nothing really..." Anna tried to refute.

"Anna-nee, you asked me to share more with you and Rina right? But you need to do the same as well. We can see that something is troubling you, so just talk with us about it. You might feel better" said Takashi.

Seeing that Takashi wasn't going to leave this matter quiet, she end up sighing in exasperation.

"*Sigh* It's nothing important. It's just that some of the teachers and the principal are already acting like I had already won the Student Council election" said Anna.

"What do you mean?" asked Takashi.

"They asked me to talk with a student that was suspended, before she returns to school today"

"Suspended? Already?! But the year barely started!" stated an astonished Rina.

"I know, right? Apparently on the second day of school she kicked the vice-principal on the head and sent him to the hospital. According to her, he was trying to be handsy with her, trying to abusive with his authority, and she didn't took that kindly" said Anna.

"Really? And she wasn't suspended? How could we never heard that before?" asked Yurika.

"The school is trying to cover the incident. Apparently after that they found evidences that it wasn't the first time the vice-principal done that before" answered Anna.

"So that's why we haven't heard of him since the entrance ceremony?" asked Takashi.

"Yes. Since he was already of an advanced age the school 'persuaded' him to immediate retirement to cover the incident, but apparently some people somehow discovered what happened. For now it's just rumors, but they still can hurt the school image. The teachers asked me to convince her to stay quiet about this matter" explained Anna.

One might wonder why Anna was sharing this information with them, considering that the school was trying to cover up the incident, but that wasn't really a problem considering who she was talking with.

All of them could keep a secret when necessary, especially when the secret being exposed might bring trouble to someone they cherish.

Takashi could understand why they asked Anna.

She is just running for Student Council President at the moment, but she had already being one last year and had done a really good job. So good that until now no one come forward to run against her on this year election.

Not only that but, considering that this student was being harassed by a member of the student staff, they thought she might be more welcoming to a student addressing her instead of a teacher or the principal, and Anna was the perfect candidate.

But he also could understand why Anna was nervous.

She was about to deal with someone that resorted to physical violence to deal with her problem. Against someone in a position of authority on the school. Anna probably was nervous that, if she did something wrong, that student might do something similar to her.

He could see that both Rina and Yurika were worried for Anna as well.

'I have to do something about this'

He said that he would help her when she needed, and right now that was one of those situations.

"You want me to accompany you?" offered Takashi.


Anna was caught off guard for a second by Takashi offer, but she recovered quickly.

"Are you sure Taka-chan?" asked Anna.

"Of course. I'm sure that nothing will happen, but if you feel better than I'd be happy to be at your side" said Takashi.

"...Thank you Taka-chan" said Anna, with a relieved smile.

Anna had clearly relaxed a little with his offer and Takashi could see by the expressions of Rina and Yurika that they were glad he offered his help as well.

'I think I earned a few points with the both of them as well'

With the three of them more relaxed around each other, they continued to walk to school in relative peace.

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