
Chapter 66- Sweet Blue


I really love surprises ; however this one was so unexpected .Angelo and I were having an argument that Gio walked in on. My heart broke when I saw him standing by the staircase with a face full of tears. I needed to vent because the last time Angelo was behaving the way he was the past couple of days had me worried. I also had to tell Angelo that I was pregnant. When I finally came around to telling him , he wanted to go public about it to our friends and when I disagreed he vilified me and apologized. What Giovanni saw was the middle of an apology. Being the kid he was he dragged me all the way to the garden and pool area where friends and family were . When I turned around, Angelo was on one knee asking me to marry him. He didn't tell me what he was planning and I always found out what he was up to because he is a bad liar. I didn't see this coming. After the festivities and.making sure everyone was home safe I turned my attention to my baby ; Gio who was scared and didn't want to leave my side.Carlo offered to take care of the twins with Caleb and Angelo had disappeared upstairs to the main bedroom. I was sitting on a chair next to Gio's bed reading a book to him; he fell asleep on the second page of ( James and the giant peach.)

Angelo had out done himself with regards to his bedroom . Everything was in order and it had a mini library and bunk beds for when his friends come over . I kissed his forehead whispering goodnight and made my way to the other side of the house . It was beautiful.

I was bone tired and feeling drained all I wanted to do was sleep. When I made it to the main bedroom I slid off my boots and walked into the closet . I found a section named Cleo . As if Angelo couldn't be more perfect ; he had bought different sets of PJ's and paid attention to my clothing style. Work ,home, casual and special ocasion gear was in sections. It was still cold outside so I picked up a pair of grey joggers from Angelo's side of the closet and one of his long sleeve thick cotton sweaters and socks. I had to get cleanup before I hit the sack. Angelo was still MIA .

I discarded the clothes I had on in the woven basket and took off all my jewelry. I made my way to the bathroom and hopped in the shower I pressed the warm water and steam function . The shower was a huge raindrop shower . The body wash I used was rose oil scented. Within fifteen minuets I was cleaned up and I took two minuets to get dressed. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Blue. I ignored it and called him.


"Bella Mia."

" Where are you honey ?"

" Upstairs in the attick. "

I started making my way upstairs and walked into a lantern candle lit room filled with deep red and white roses, blankets and pillows... I wasn't expecting this considering how the night turned out. I put my phone down and saw a very happy Michelangelo standing and waiting for me . I ran to him and gently kissed him and whispered in his ear.

" What's all this for?"

Angelo pulled back kissed me and looked at my hands.

"You and us . Where is your ring?"

" On the dresser I was feeling tired so I took a quick shower and changed into what I found on your side of the closet. "

I stepped back and gestured at what I was wearing .

"You like?"

"I love you in anything my angel."

Angelo took my hand and led me to the couch and under covers. He slid beside me an held me against his chest .With his other hand he took the remote and pressed a couple of buttons and the silver screen slid down and he picked a movie and pressed play.

My own body started betraying me and I couldn't keep my eyes open.

"Blue ..."

"Bella mia ?"

"I'm tired. "

"I know. "

"We've got tomorrow ."

"I just want to be with you."

Angelo shifted and looked at me I had to look at him with sleepy eyes.

"Are you really pregnant ?"

" Yes and I'm keeping it."

"I will support you every step of the way. I know I screwed up with the twins but this could be a fresh start ."

" Gio is an angel. I can't wait to be his mommy."

"He can't wait to be your son. "

" He fell asleep after two pages ."

"He had an eventful day. So did I . Thank you"

"For what my babe?"

"For saying yes . "

"I can never deny you anything ."

Angelo stopped the movie and pulled me closer again.

"Neither can I . Its okay I won't leave . You can sleep."

"Love you night."

"Love you with all of me Mrs Massa."

"Soon.I can't wait."

"Neither can "


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