
Chapter 59 - waking up


There are days when I'm thankful. I am thankful for my family, friends, boyfriend and well my life. I was slowly coming around and the last thing I remember was feeling cold and in pain but now I'm warm. The environmet I was in was sterile but it felt like home. My body feels somewhat tired ... And sore. I opened my eyes and closed them; I tried to feel the side of my head anthed felt a bandage. I meantaly scanned my body and I could feel everything including pain. My tummy hurt pretty badly .I looked around and I saw him ... Who is he ? Who am I? Oh shucks the bump on my head must have affected my memory.I need to remember. Just now I said I was thankful for what and who? I feel so lost. I took in a sharp breath and the guy who was sitting at the foot of my bed woke up and came next to me .

He held my hand gently . He helped me sit up and put another pillow behind my head. I opened and closed my eyes. When I opened them again; I saw a kind face with a genuine smile, he had green eyes and floppy brown hair. His hadnd had had rope imprints and brusies but his other hand looked pretty bad. It was covered up professionally though I felt guilty. He was wearing blue jeans and a black crew neck sweater.He was spartain built but had a softness about him. I couldn't help but feel guilty. I tried to talk even though it hurt.

" I'm so sorry. I don't know who I am or how I got here ."

" You don't ?"

"Nope . "

" You're name is Cleo Kwena Massa. "

"I have an Italian surname . What the hell? I am black."

"I'm coloured . I was just pulling your leg "

" How long have I been out for?"

" Two weeks.Massa has been looking for you."

" Who's that?"

" Someone my father and half brother merged with;they do shipmants, tracking, and stuff, but you're in a farm house. My name is Taylor Tau Stone . We have a dinner tonight. The doctor said you'd wake up when we pulled you out of the ocean. Welcome to the land of the living Cleo. "

I'm starting to remember what happened it bits and pieces.

" I was in an accident ."

Tau nodded.

"We found you floating . You had a head injury. The doctor stitched you up. You always have someone watching over you. The doctor who fixed you has fixed you before. "

" Where is he?"

"Doctor Barker... On his way here too. He said you were his first trauma and miracle. He also told me the guy who had brought you in loved you. You must be thirsty and hungry. Dinner is in thirty minuets but we can go in an hour. My half brother is bringing his friend. We haven't said a word to anyone about you ."

While TT was talking I drank some mango juice and had muffins.I was really hungry.

"Why is that ?"

" Someone tried to kill you . Until we get the right kind of help and people; we are keeping you hidden."

"Wouldn't someone look for me?"

"They've called off the search a couple of days ago. "

" My legs hurt and my tummy too."

" I'm not sure I want to bombard you with a lot."

My memory started coming back in bits and pieces. I was starting to miss someone and feel like something was amiss. When I walked out I found; grey joggers ,along sleeve white thermal shirt and a pair of new sneakers in my size ... Size seven . I also dound a hoody and it was cold so I put it on and threw the cape on my head to protect keep my head warm . When I opened the door TT was waiting for me.

" Hey TT. "

TT stretched out his hand to help me down the stairs.

"Ha ha I like TT . "

" Who's going to be at the table . Michelangelo , Paul , dad , mom ,doctor baker and oh Mr & Mrs Massa . I was going to show them sleeping beauty but she woke up."

We opened the dinning room door an I saw everyone . My hoody was still on

" Charmer ."

TT guided me to the end of the table next to a guy who smelt elt familiar .

My hoody was still on and as soon as we all sat down held hands and said grace the guy whose hand I was holding didn't want to let my han go. When we all said; amen , I opened my eyes gently peeled his hand away and pulled down my hoody. My heart started beating faster and it felt as if someone I knew was sitting next to me. Then I heard it his voice ;


I looked at who sat next to me and his eyes held sadness . I was aprehensive at first but another flashback came to me. I was in a tunnel and the guy who just said my name saved me . I had kids with him ...



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