
Chapter 11- Lunch and drama

chapter 11


I love lunches . Family lunches are the best after Church; we have what we call seven colours,its all the colours you can think of that are edible and sometimes healthy.

If you've ever been away of from home for a while. The one thing you look forward to is some good quality time with family and seven colors. The table looks like a feast of colors for the eyes and you know when something looks good and made with love your tummy starts dancing in a good way. You're spoilt for choice. On my plate however I would have ;green salad, carrots, broccoli, roasted potatoes, beans, beat root, and chicken breast without the skin or fish. I only ever visit red meat when I feel like it ; meaning if my iron levels are low or if I like you,I will force myself to eat it. I never have huge portions; because I have to make space for desert. I also don't eat pork; my tonsils always flared up as a kid. When they were removed I tried but I still can't . Desert is either custard and jelly or ice cream... However all three are delectable in one bowl separately. I also have a way of eating, I don't go from portion to portion on my plate ;if I have potatoes I eat and finish them before I move on to my peas .

I was just about finished with packing my handbag and changing into knee long black A line pseudo wrap dress comfy boots and a coat, when Angelo walked into the room looking casually cute in black jeans,sneakers,and a white crew neck sweater .He had a black beanie on and his watch smiling. His eyes however told a different story .

" Cleo . Are you ready to go?"

"Yes; but are you okay? You have a gorgeous smile but I can't help but see something different."

"I'm worried about Nina taking Gio. She's taken so much from me and I didn't know Ruth was her sister. My dad said I shouldn't worry about them he will still own the company even though I'm CEO. "

I was in the jewelry section of my closet and found is something I felt Angelo needed. Reaching for the bracelet I gave it to him.

"Here;I think it's time I let it go and it surprisingly it you and your father's initials on it. "

Angelo sat next to me on the bench in the vanity room / closet. He gave me a grim look and kisses me slow and sweet .Okay I'm now starting to believe he loves kissing me just because he can and I love it . I'm dreaming right... This can't be he tastes so good . Why the heck did I friend zone him. I threaded my fingers through his luxuriously soft hair and he moaned. I pulled away and he groaned .

"You're insatiable... "

I looked away shyly and stood up .

" we have to go its almost eleven."

Angelo stood up unlocked the bracelet that has taken me forever to figure out how to open, without looking and clicked it on his wrist.

"Thank you; and just so you know this conversation isn't over. When I put Giovanni to bed this evening you're mine."

I giggled with my husky voice smiling.

" You've had me since Friday aren't you bored already?"

"No. I want to be the cause of your fading voice, no one else."

Angelo tied his hair up into a mini man bun . It was thick and the length of his hair wasn't that long It was medium .

" You're the one with the fading voice , I was outside jogging . Boy do you have a set of lungs on you. Thank goodness the walls are thick enough. "

"I will add addictive to that list. "

"You have list?"

" yes I promise to share later . "

Angelo put his hand in mine and we walked out to the where he parked his car and once I buckled up and put my bag down He started driving and I was subjected to his taste in music. I was quiet for most of the ride because I felt like we were moving as quick as lightning . I trust him yes , it feels right . He's not my boss anymore and well Mr Stone called. Apparently good news travels fast . Paul Stone is a PR Marketing company similar to Massa but it has more of a quirky edge and they aren't stuck in one place . What I mean is , you get to travel more and do some exploring and participate in philanthropic projects.

Paul's assistant called me on Friday afternoon after Mass and set up a meeting for Monday morning. I haven't told anyone and I want to keep it that way. Good thing I don't know how he looks and I haven't bumped into him , I don't want an Angelo saga. He's amazing. Speaking of lunch I don't want to arrive empty handed . I don't know what Angelo's mother is cooking but I need to grab a bottle of good wine and a box of chocolates. Talk about having lunch with the Massa's.


"Bella mia "

Angelo put his hand on my knee and I almost jumped but calmed down.

" Can we stop at the store before we go to your parents house."

" yes its on the way. Are you okay ? You've been quiet."

" I'm sorry Blue . I just have a lot on my mind ."

"Are you having second thoughts about us already? "

Goodness this guy is so direct . He already thinks I might run.

"No. Not at all . "

"Just so we are clear , I'm not taking this friend zone thing seriously. I don't want to be your friend. "

"I know. Just give it time. "

"How can I when you're not where I can keep an eye on you. You left the company."

"Yes I did ... We are ... "

Angelo lifted his hand off my knee and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. For the first time since I've been with Angelo

I'm seeing a side I might not like.

" What ? Making love , kissing and talking. If memory serves me correctly you didn't know who I was at the farm market and that night in the club."

"I know but..."

"Nothing. You can't control how you feel. I can't contain it . I told you I don't share."

"I told you that's bull."

"With Giovanni it's different. I can't lose you or him... "

Everything started clicking into place . Angelo doesn't want to admit to fear and damn Nina for leaving him high and dry.

"What are you afraid of Massa ? I'm not in doubt. You are. "

We pulled up into the parking lot of a small mall and before I unbuckled my seat belt I turned to face Angelo. He shut off the engine took my hand and kissed the back of my palm. I was a tad bit confused because he was about to fume just a minuet ago and now he's calm.

"You're right I'm afraid. I'm afraid that you'll go running into the next guy who promises you the world ."

I didn't attempt to take my hand back but I locked eyes with a fearful Angelo .

"I'm not Nina. I am not going to pay for her mistakes."

"So I'm a mistake?"

"No. You're not. What I mean is not every girl is a Nikki or Nina. I am a different breed, I am my own person. The reason I left was because I didn't want any scandal. You're the new kid on the block ; I fell for you before I knew who you were not the CEO but the funny, sweet, kind , romantic ,chef in the kitchen, loveable guy, awesome father, passionate, direct , sometimes sensitive, strong willed, freak in between the sheets ,considerate guy you are. Its her mistake for leaving . A gem. "

"You're forgetting something..."

" I will learn as I go."

Angelo unbuckled his seatbelt and locked eyes with me .

"I'm smitten, head over heels, thankful and unashamedly in love with you Cleo. "

" I don't like you're snappy side. "

"I'm sorry."

I turned away and went out the car and he followed . I went inside the store and headed for the wine section and made a stop by the confectionary section. Angelo said I should meet him by the car once I was done . We didn't have much time it was at least an hour before one. It took me fifteen minutes to get the right variant . It was the last bottle and just for back up I grabbed a different wine so Merlot and sauvignon blanc for back up. On my way to the till I couldn't help but get the feeling I was being watched I looked back and I was right the guy came to me asking for a bottle of wine he wanted the Merlot so I gave it to him no questions asked . He looked like he was the same age as Angelo and he had blond hair and green eyes. When I made it to the car Angelo apologized again; and surprised me with pink and white roses . In no time we were back on the road .

"Angelo it's winter those roses must have cost a fortune."

"They were worth every rand. I snap when I feel like I have no control . "

"Apology accepted Blue. I have to tell you something. Since you told me what triggers your tantrums."

We drove into a driveway and the gate was opened. The house looked exquisite from outside.

"After lunch?"

I shook my head.

"No. It has to be said. However if you want to talk later I'm okay with that . "

" Are you sure?"

" yes ."

I unbuckled the seatbelt ;took my hand bag out , the wine,chocolate, and I closed the door .

The first thing I noticed was the lake and I calmed down. The second was a car that looked familiar but I thought nothing of it. Angelo knocked on the door and her mother answered within seconds I heard my name being screamed out by Giovanni .

He came running down the stairs ignoring his father and hugged my leg .I handed Mrs Massa the wine and chocolate. She wasn't happy to see me with Angelo and that set off uneasy feelings. She shot me a dirty look and Angelo shook his head .

"Mom if you want me to stay then please treat Cleo with respect. I care about her ."

I picked Giovanni up and he looked at his grandmother and then his father .

"Nana I like Cleo . "

Angelo leaned over to kiss Gio's forehead

" Hello champ. I missed you."

"Papa. Miss you too. Mommy is here she says we are going to go away tomorrow. I don't want to."

Mrs Massa intervened

"Okay you're the only ones we are missing at the table so let's all go through to the dining area."

I followed her and to my surprise I saw Ruth, Nina , Claudio, the guy from the store and no this cannot be happening ... I put Gio down and he sat next to the guy I didn't expect to see, why here , why now I felt a bit nauseous but I held it in. Angelo put his hand on the small of my back and whispered in my ear

"I've got you."

I should add supportive to the list of things I like about Blue.

I went quiet and we both sat down. Mr Massa asked Gio to day grace and we all bowed our heads ;

"Bless us oh Lord for these gifts we're about to receive amen. "

I did the sign of the cross and Gio spoke.

"See see Nano I told you we saw Cleo at Church on Friday. She's Catholic . Uncle Thomas says he knows Cleo ."

I looked at Angelo and a flash of anger passed through his eyes .

Oh hell .

© #KCMmuoe

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