
Chapter 322 - Can't Sleep

Point-of-View: Seila Khan 


Maybe I should have thought this through a bit more. I really should've realized that this would happen. Crap...I'm pretty tired and worn out, but I can't sleep at all. Why, you ask? 

Simple...the sounds of the threesome that were echoing out from the wall between this room and the main bedroom. 

At first, I kinda froze when I realized exactly what it was that I was hearing...and then I felt super awkward, doing my best to block it out. 

I then began feeling kinda restless, and found myself listening more intently to what was happening on the other side of the wall. 

And now...I feel really turned on. I mean, who wouldn't be, in this situation!? My body was feeling all warm and fidgety, and before I realized it, my breathing was getting heavier and heavier. 

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