
Chapter 45 - Encounter

Something's not right here...it had been close to an hour since we set out from the bunker, and so far, we hadn't run into a single Mutant. We had already covered more than four kilometers, so it wouldn't be too much farther before we turn back. I switched my X-Blasters to sniping mode, and as my right lens on my glasses lit up and magnified my vision, I scanned ahead to see if I could spot anything...nope, nothing but dirt. 

I was about fifty meters behind the other four, who had paired up as planned. There was about a ten meter gap between the two pairs, and I was more or less in the middle of that gap, so that I could evenly assist either pair...not that there had been anything to assist them with so far, though. 

"Well, this sure has been productive, huh?" Sighed Mitchell sarcastically into the communicator, sounding bored and a bit relieved at the same time. 

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