
Thanking The Captain*

The day after Evos told me about his secret, he also to Leana, Cal, and Ace. As I said, they all accepted him, and Evos couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, there was also a storm that night, and it was a big one, almost bigger than the ones I saw in the New World.

The skyscraper high waves forced us to raise the sails and float along with the storm. And while I had a stormy night trying somehow to keep us one course, Leana was struck with a bad case of seasickness.

Knocking on the door to the bathroom, I waited for a response, "Leana, can I come in? I can help you." I heard an affirmative groan, and I opened the door. Leana was on the floor, curled up in the fetal position.

"Captain, my stomach." That was all Leana could able to force out before her stomach rumbled, contorting her face in pain. Frowning, I kneeled next to the mink, "This doesn't look like motion sickness."

"Then what could it be?" Taking her temperature and pressing on her stomach, I almost had a diagnosis, "Leana, when is the last time you went to the bathroom?" Leana blushed bright red, "A few minutes ago, but I think I might need to go again soon."

"Then my next question is, have you eaten any meat that might have been undercooked or contaminated." Leana's thought for a second, "Well, last night, I was a little out of it, and I may or may not have eaten an entire uncooked ham. My mother always fed me raw meat, so I thought I would be okay. What happened this time?"

"It seems that you have a salmonella infection. Luckily I have just the thing for this." Running to the lab, I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed a few herbal leaves. "Here, chew on these, don't swallow."

Leana did so, and she grimaced as the bitter taste covered the inside of her mouth, "What are these? They taste horrible."

"They might not be pleasant, but it will help you, I promise." Leana continued to chew, and in a few minutes, I could see the medical take effect. "Do you feel any better?" Leana sat up, "As a matter of fact, I do. What were those leaves?"

"Oh, they were just simple tea leaves. I just covered them in my specialized strain of E. coli. It's great for battling other infections inside the body. You may still feel for the next hour or so, but you'll be okay. I'll bring you a pitcher of water."

Leana smiled, "Thank's Captain."

After tending to Leana, I was needed back on deck. Ace and Cal were crewing the ship, "You're finally back. I almost thought the two of you were having some personal time." Ignoring Cal's sexual remarks, I controlled the rudder keeping us on course as I waved crashed against the side of the ship.

"This is going to be a long night."

In the morning, I opened my eyes and felt a weight pressing down on me, "Morning, Captain!!" Leana was lying on top of me. Her impressive chest pushed into mine. "Goodmorning, Leana. Would you mind telling me what you're doing?"

"Thanking you, of course, I can feel Captain's excitement." Leana ground her hips into mine, and the covers did little to hold down my morning wood. "Captain." Leana started to pant, and her hips began to move faster.

Her cheeks were flushed red, and her tail was moving at blistering speeds. Sitting up, I pulled Leana into my chest, wrapping my arms around her thin waist. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Leana whimpered, "Ever since you rescued me, I knew you were the one. Please, Captain, I can't take it anymore."

Grabbing the back of Leana's head, I exposed her neck before I bit down, marking her as mine. Leana stiffened before she practically melted in my arms. Smiling, I licked the bite mark, and Leana did the same to me, actually drawing a bit of blood.

Pulling her head closer to mine, we locked lips as we tried to suffocate each other with our tongues. Reaching under her shirt, I started to massage her breasts, twisting and pulling her nipples, "C-captain d-don't t-tease me there."

Ignoring her complaints, I lowered my mouth to her breasts and started to nibble and suck on Leana's fun bags, turning the pink mountains into stiff red peaks. Moving in for the finishing blow, I reached between Leana's legs touching her sex.

Leana's legs tightened, and her whole body stiffened as she climaxed, her tongue hanging out of her mouth in ecstasy. Letting her come back down, I gently kissed the nape of her neck, "Before we finish this, I want you to know. I'm going to have other women, but you'll always be my first. My first woman, my first wife, and if you wish, the first one to bear my children."

"If my mom could see you know, I think she would force me to mate with you. Captain is an alpha and should share his seed with many females. Are you going to bed Cal next?"

Smiling, I shifted around, pulling down my pants and freeing my impressive girth, "I don't want to talk about other women when I have my own right in front of me."

For the next two hours, I entertained Leana as we both sated each other's needs. But before I could to carried away, I killed the sperm cells in my semen.

Finishing inside of the wolf mink one last time before collapsing, pulling Leana on top of me, "Captian was so rough, I'm going to be sore for the next few days." Pulling her under my chin, I kissed the top of her head, "Do you regret it?"

"Of course not, I only hope that me being pregnant won't become a burden."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that." Faster than I could blink Leana was on top of me her nails digging into my shoulder, "What do you mean?" Her voice was icy cold and I had a very bad feeling, "I didn't know if you want kids or not and I didn't want to ruin the moment but if it's that big of a deal we can go another round or two?"

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