
Her Test

Klea had no preference as to whom between the two shall receive the sword. If she could get to choose she would rather give it to Emery.

These past few days, after witnessing the sword's formidable might and its true potential, it felt too great of a waste for it to relegate it to the mere status of ornament or emblem of the Kingdom. It felt like a travesty, a shameful waste of its undeniable power.

Thus she was driven to dispatch a message to King Fjolrim, not only to seek his aid in liberating the sword from the seal that bound it, but also to discover a valid pretext to take the sword away from the Britannia Kingdom.

She just knew that the sword would play a great role in the duels with the Kronos faction. Unless Arthur could persuade her of his worthiness to be one of the 10 candidates, she would rather give it to someone else.

In the meantime, the young man brought by Fjolrim, Brandt by name, seemed to be a much more promising candidate. 

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