

"This year's tournament is really exciting! My heart is still beating fast watching all those fights! What's more, tomorrow will be the dawn between humans and half-bloods!"

"Yes, tomorrow will definitely be epic! Two fights, both human versus half-blood! I can't wait to see who will win!"

"What are you so excited about? There is no way that half-blood will win the tournament! Not now and not in a million years!"

"Do you really not get it?! The killings and the tensions, man! I'm sure the half-bloods are up to something!"

The closing of the 6th day of the Magus Tournament brought about various repercussions. In fact, what happened that day sparked countless rumors and gossip that inadvertently increased the tense situation between humans and half-bloods.

On the terrace area, Emery and the others were visited by their friends and acquaintances. Many came because they wanted to give him support and encouragement for tomorrow's fight.

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