

With Emery's help, the sand plains that were crowded with the bloodthirsty Abyss creatures were quickly disposed of in just 30 minutes. There were a few hundred Abyss creatures still alive, but such a number wouldn't be able to pose any danger to the group.

At the same time that Emery finished exterminating the Abyss creatures, Chiko, the Chizpur plant creature who stayed with him, had successfully found the location of the particular Abyss nest mentioned by the elite acolyte member of Arcana's squad.

It was actually not that hard to find, as the only thing that needed to be done was to follow the trails the horde left behind.

Before leaving for the so-called special Abyss nest, Emery warned the fifty acolytes to not let the bewitched captain in any form of danger. After making sure these people ingrained his words in their minds, he grabbed his orbiter and dashed north following the trail Chiko had determined.

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