
Match 16

"Thank God Clarissa I never thought I'd see the light of day again!" Mikael said dramatically and stood up running at the bars to face the surprised woman.

"What are you guys doing here? Luke?" She said while ignoring him. Luke looked at her and sighed. He really wasn't in the mood for any explanations but as it seemed she could be their only help at the moment.

"My friend got wrongly accused for trying to murder his father while we were at his lake house so they arrested us."

"How?...What? Oh, my god I am going to call your father to get you out of here." She said and Luke's eyes widened.

"You can't!" He almost shouted. "He will kill me for bringing a human into the pack."

"You did what?" She asked even more surprised by that info. Luke was the kind of person who always followed the pack rules. It was intriguing that there was a human out there who could make him break the most important rule they had that existed from the beginning of time.

"It's a really long story but please if you can find a way to get us out of here. If not us at least our friends, they are not human." He told her and his eyes were almost pleading.

"I will not leave without you" Alex said and Clarissa focused on him. To her eyes he was a charming young man, obviously human so she couldn't help but think that the boys have gotten themselves into some serious trouble.

"I didn't ask you." Luke said "I need to get you to safety"

"Then what? I am going to live my life alone as a wanted man?" Alex asked apparently annoyed. He stood up too, heading towards where the wolves stood with the new woman, wanting to be a part of their conversation. Mark on the other hand seemed completely disinterested. He was so tired that he was crawled in the corner of the small room trying not to get asleep. He wasn't energized enough to move but still he didn't want to miss out any major events.

"This is the least of our worries. Your mother wants to lock you up, my father wants to kill all of us the last thing we should be thinking about is what happens next. There might be no next"

"Why do you care so much about me anyways?" Alex asked starting to get angry. Luke seemed kind of taken aback by the sudden question. Such a small sentence could be the reason of him exposing everything he was scared of. Being true to himself and letting out all of the desires and thoughts he had been trying to suppress. So he didn't answer. He didn't even try to think of an answer to give Alex.

"This is Clarissa. She is a human with the gift of Sight. She had worked with my dad in the past." He introduced her and she smiled at Alex. He smiled back but still reversed. He wasn't sure he could trust anyone ever again.

"Nice to meet you." She said and tended her hand with the light colored nails for a handshake. Alex hesitated a bit but not wanting to be rude he took her soft hand and shook it.

She then, once their hands touched took a deep breath and tensed like she had been frozen on the spot. Her eyes turned a cloudy white color and little black veins started to appear around her eyes.

The moment Alex witnessed that, afraid that he had done something to her, he took his hand away almost like he had touched fire. Once the physical contact was lost the supernatural link got cut and the woman immediately calmed down, returning to her normal self.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked her filled with worry.

"Huh? Oh, yes…I am good. I just had a vision" she said seeming still a bit disoriented. Her eyes had widened the moment she looked at him again but her expression got masked by her sudden feeling of dizziness. She supported herself at the cold bars and looked at Luke.

"What did you see?"

"Nothing really. Empty visions happen once in a while. I don't always see major stuff. Sometimes I wish I could see the numbers in Lotto or something but never" She joked but Luke's chilly eyes were still on her.

"So let me see what I can do to help you guys out. I have to get back to my office for now but I will be back soon. Don't worry"

"Without notifying my dad" he added.

"Yes, yes calm down."

"A goddess from above" Mikael complimented her and kissed her hand playfully. She chuckled and turned around, her heels echoing in the halls.

"Can she see the future?" Mark asked when the boys had returned and sat down in their little comforting circle on the floor.

"Yeah, she is a Psychic. Of some sort. The pack had used her a few years back to communicate with the spirits of some angry wolves." Mikael explained. "So tell me Mark, are you sleepy? Wanna lay on my lap?" he asked him with a smile and patted his jeans.

Mark looked at him with a disgusted expression and brought his knees close to his chest hugging them, he wanted to think of something smart to say back but he was too tired. He noted to himself to remember to return the comment later and closed his eyes, trying to rest.

"Stop trying to make decisions for me" Alex spat at Luke and the tension grew. "You don't get to decide what I will do."

"I will. If that means keeping you safe. This all happened because you were reckless enough to turn back. You got punched in the face by me but still turned back. You got tortured, humiliated, got accused of murder and you still don't realize that the best choice for all of us is for everyone to go their separate ways once we get out of here."

"It doesn't feel right to me" Alex said and looked at his hands embarrassed.

"Why? Why are you so fixed on me?" Luke asked him agitated. "I rejected you, I play with your feelings so tell me why don't you want to just leave me behind!"

"Umm guys I don't think this is the right time or place to…" Mikael tried to stop them sensing the upcoming explosion. No one paid any attention to them. Even Mark had seemed to give up trying to calm them down. He already knew it wouldn't be possible.

"Because it doesn't feel right!" Alex screamed. "I really don't know why or how but leaving you doesn't feel right. You've hurt me. Physically and most importantly emotionally. I want to punch you in the head. Sometimes I even think I can hate you, like now that you're saying all these cruel things to me but in the end when I think of just leaving and moving on with my life it doesn't feel right if you're not there and I despise myself for it" Alex stated with tears in his eyes.

He wanted so badly to understand what was happening to him. Why was he so fixated on Luke? Why even after everything he would look at him and if Luke smiled he would feel like the whole world lit up. He believed this was a stupid crush. His first love, his first interest on a guy after a long time but a crush definitely did not feel like this.

"Nice confession lover boy" Mikael commented and Luke growled at him.

"What? You decided to play teen drama right in front of us don't expect me to keep quiet."

"Please shut it. All of you." Mark said with closed eyes. "My head is killing me."

"Don't you have anything to say to me?" Alex asked Luke. He ignored everyone else around him. After what he had said he wanted to hear what Luke believed.

"Alex, you're a great guy but I don't feel that way for you. We can be friends if you want I really want to make your pain stop but I've told you again and again that I don't…."

"Friends don't kiss each other, they don't go through all that for each other and they don't sneak in my bed to cuddle me when I sleep so tell me why do you keep lying to yourself about…."

"Stop pressuring me!" Luke shouted and his eyes shone grey. "I am begging you please stop it. Stop pressuring me to accept this. I can't deal with all these right now. We are in jail dammit and you want to talk about us? Just stop, please"

Luke's eyes shone like freshly sharpened blades while he almost bore holes into Alex's face. The boy shriveled at his loud voice and took a step back towards Mark. He too had flinched and opened his eyes a bit confused. Luke was panting and his hands were in fists. Mikael was observing him carefully always on edge and ready to intervene but nothing serious happened. At least no to Alex because the furious wolf moved to the opposite side of the cell and punched the grey wall so hard that it broke. Small pieces of cement fell to the floor and a few dots of blood from his ripped knuckles painted the wall. Alex looked at him concerned and motioned to reach him but Mikael stopped him. His hand wrapped around his wrist tightly and he gave him a sad smile. His sea like eyes still on his best friend.

"Don't go. Give him some space. All…this is hard for him."

"He is acting like an overly hormonal teenage girl in a 2000's movie." Mark mumbled. "Come on Alex. Sit here. Don't bother with him." He advised him and Alex feeling defeated sat next to his friend, letting his head rest on his shoulder. Was he really pushing him too much? He wondered and a tinge of guilt started to grow inside him.

Every time he thought about Alex he felt like two hands with terrifically long nails, almost like claws were wrapped around his neck, choking him. His heart and mind were in a constant clash. He was supposed to be an alpha, rule the pack some day with his mate by his side. He was raised believing that Lily was going to be the one for him for the rest of his life and every time that the bond did not set into place he felt more and more insecure but he didn't know what to do. Everyone had so many expectations of him. To be great, strong, to have the most beautiful mate, to lead the perfect life and bring prosperity to the pack after his father. Be ruthless, stay away from humans because they are the enemy but everything turned upside down. How was he supposed to admit to himself that he had feeling for a human? How could he face his father after everything he had done? He was being a shame to everyone, to his ancestors and the fact that he couldn't deny Alex showed how weak he was.

If they were really mates he would prefer to never say it or even admit it. He didn't know if the stories were true. That if you deny your mate at the ritual you will probably turn mad soon and die but he didn't care. He would be remembered as a disaster and Alex; he would be brought into so much danger. He preferred to turn mad and die, maybe get reincarnated and meet him again as a human, even as his dog rather than bring him to his pack. That place would be a purgatory for him and that was one of the reasons he should say no. The most important reason.

"I can't wait to get out of here and get home." Mark said from the back of the room.

"My sweet Mark I realized that we don't know anything about you."

"And you never will" Mark told him with a sweet smile full of irony. "What is this Clarissa doing? It's been like a year"

"I don't know. She said she will help all we have to do is wait" Luke said and sat down. Far away from everyone.

The regular silence after a big fight was broken by the clacking of keys on the officer's belt. He came and opened their cell and everyone got up without having to be asked to. He looked at all of them with hostile looks and signaled them to get out.

"Are we free to leave?" Mikael asked and he nodded. They were ready to leave when the officer spoke to them.

"I don't know what your dad did boy…" he said while looking at Luke "…but that guy is scary and very angry"

"My dad?" Luke asked surprised.

"Yes. He is waiting for you outside." The officer said.

Luke looked at Alex with concern. He seemed like he would faint from fear. Clarissa had betrayed them and he wanted to know why.


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I know Luke is annoying but to be honest I don't hate him that much, how about you?

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