
Recipe for love

After the talk and those proposals, I decided to call a more reliable friend, so I called Jasmine, despite the time from Brazil to Spain was a huge difference, I opted while waiting for a suitable time to talk to her I copied Ariana and put her in touch with everything, after talking a few hours and when we said goodbye he said

Ariana: Katy... You shouldn't give it too much thought, these are two very good job proposals, it's a great opportunity for you to grow.

Katyana: -sighing- What would you do in my place?.

Ariana: -sighing- Mmm! To be honest I would risk it, of course I only change that the guy who asks you is Renji asking me not to doubt it.

Katyana: Oh Ari -sighing- I think you do anything for him and you are not thinking about it with your head but with your heart.

Ariana: -laughs- maybe Katy, but she would really try and in it heart and mind agree.

Katyana: Hmm! I understand.

After the curious and long farewell she hung up and although my mind said 'she's hopeless' but it was true that knocking on the door is not entering and he who does not risk does not win, even if Ari were so, he does not think but acts, but to feel a little more secure I called Jasmine and talked to her for a while.

In some points they agreed with Ari to try and see if I liked that, that I should not see it as just a job but that I should see the fun side of that challenge, it meant that my harvests were bearing fruit and a new step had to be taken.

After two days Ari finally came home 2 days of work and 1 day of rest fell into his lap, since the magazine loved the extra pictures they sent him to upload not only the clothes but also the shoe line since it was 2 in 1 and that's why they had to take more pictures, but seeing her happy and telling me about her day was more than special.

After listening to the animation I told her everything that happened and she was happy, she only encouraged me to take a chance and try it with Cesarc and that project. When I wanted to ask her, she paused for me to explain herself, since Cesarc as a partner would be great since he would show me what is right and what is wrong. She would also support me and help me with the lights and focus.

After a quiet dinner, I went to the room and while I was watching videos of the youtubers games Cesarc was writing to me, so I divided the screen in 2 and while I was copying him I was watching the video of the Youtuber AuronPlay and while I was laughing at his antics I was asking Cesarc to watch it for a while and laugh to distract himself for a while and not sleep under stress.

After 2 hours of talking, giving him my answer and then laughing for a while we decided to cut the conversation until the next day, and from there I would get acquainted with how to schedule and get familiar with the parades and not feel so scared.

The next morning Ariana got dressed and decided to go to the movies to get some inspiration and relax from the exhausting day of 2 days ago. I decided to stay home for a while and do some exercise while listening to relaxing music, then I decided to meditate for a while and feel more in touch with nature; After a few hours I decided to get dressed and walk on the street, while I was walking I found a beautiful black and white cat, as my loving side I decided to come closer and play with him for a while, but after a while I saw him alone and followed him, I felt that maybe he wanted company, so I decided to play with him for a while more and then see what he did, it was to a point of confidence that he fell asleep on top of me.

After 3 hours I saw how he was still by my side and after waking up he was staring at me, as I was in no hurry I decided to let him play for a while longer and talk to Cesarc for a while through a video call, I told him my doubts and he said

Cesarc: he wants to keep you company and then leaves.

Katyana: but... she's been with me for about 3 hours.

Cesarc: so maybe he wants a home.

Katyana: but... with our hours I don't know if I can take care of him, which I would love to do.

Cesarc: I'll help you, don't worry about it, if you want I'll go with you to buy him things.

After so much insistence I agreed and waited for him, I noticed how the cat followed me from one side to the other and how he let himself be carried by me, feeling his purrs and those caresses, I noticed how he looked a little jealous when he stopped, I could only laugh and after we got into the car we went to the vet and gave him his vaccines.

After that we went to buy a little bed for him, food and milk for him; after the long walk and shopping I went with Cesarc to buy him a necklace, we were looking for a name among the three of us, then we decided to call him Licht which means "Light" in German, when we all agreed, we decided which badge to buy and identify him, then we went to the house where Ariana was waiting for us with Renji, so I talked to Ariana and I gave her the idea of inviting them to have lunch with us, after the welcome shirt to Licht we went to prepare lunch.

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