
You are my weakness

After we finally arrived at the beach for new photos, we saw a Ricardo with a big bag for about a week and this very animated one greeted us, I could only comment 'How is it possible that I greet with so much encouragement, if I die of heat'.

Renji could only laugh out loud at my comment and after smiling at me he said

Renji: Don't worry, it must be because he's excited about this job and being able to get out of the office.

In fact it was logical to me since the poor man had months without vacations and without being able to leave the office, besides this contract of Renji with photos not only of the magazine but cover of the masculine calendar of 2021, this not only made his eyes shine but the photos that Katyana and I had taken had been more than success for a client, so much so that a beach sunset with the stars and a moon already illuminated was of inspiration for a painter for his new painting "the sunset of love" and had been sold for a great amount of money.

We decided to go out and take out the food and the cabins with ice that Renji had bought before I went to look for him. Ricardo had rented a hotel for a few hours, as it was equipped I decided to keep everything to be calm, after organizing and washing my hands I went to help Ron and Tobe with the reflectors, the equipment I brought and more, we decided to try a drom to see what the photos looked like.

After we tried it we said to finish setting up the equipment and try to take the pictures, so we looked for the right place and angles, the summer collection with the Hawaiian beach fresh brand, their comfort in the swimwear for adults and children, without being too tight or causing them allergies.

After taking the first picture on the drom I made it reflect on the screen and see what they thought as I lowered the drom said

Ariana: Well, guys, let's see how you like it. Do you think it's good?

Ron: not bad at all, let's try five photos from various angles to see how it looks, in the same way we need about 70?.

Tobe: if an approximate of that amount, since we'll be checking not only the angles, but also the shadows, focus, in case there's any contra time... the list is long. -says-

I sighed to that idea although I understood very well since they would be varied photos, near the beach, in the sea, surroundings and more, we took advantage of the afternoon to take several photos with the drom and with my camera, we shared at night the taken ones and from there we would be keeping the selected ones, In the afternoon I had 45 photos and when I saw Renji so exhausted I asked for a break, as we were near the house that Ricardo rented we decided to make a barbecue and to recover strength, while they were doing that I made a great shake so that Renji and the group would recover strength to continue with the photos in the night.

While I was distributing the strawberry shake to everyone Renji was warning me that he would take a bath to refresh himself, I agreed to tell Ricardo so that he would be calm and that if he needed something he would not hesitate to tell me.

Ricardo: I see that you get along better than before. -smile-

Ariana: Hey, what do you say, we just get along. -blushing-

Ricardo: that's how you start, besides you synchronize well, but I'm glad you're not like his other fans who only burden him. -payment-

Ariana: that's because Katy scolded me the other time and even though I consider her a sister I understood her words. -smiling-

After Ricardo and the kids, seeing how I said it made me feel flushed and seeing how they laughed and said I had matured, I could only nod and go on.

When I left Renji I brought him a plate with several skewers with meat and chopped salad, while I was looking for my plate I noticed how Renji was calling me and I waited for him to go with me to eat together, while he was making his pauses I was wondering how the photos were going and if the poses seemed good to me.

While I was answering his doubts I apologized to him because I felt that I was pushing him or forcing him to keep a pose for a few more minutes and I know that being under the sun for a long time would make his head hurt; but seeing how he was and saying that I understood him and that I should be this strict for some pictures, I promised him that I would give my best and that I would take excellent pictures, mentally I also promised myself to give my best and try not to force him too much so that he would get more breaks.

After eating both of them I showed him in my laptop the pictures of the drom and I showed him the pictures with calm and I explained to him what this picture reflected for me, seeing it animated made me smile, although I imagined several compliments I never imagined that day he would say to me

Renji: you're excellent, keep it up Ari.

I couldn't deny how flattered he was and he waited for me for some things, even though he said we were only getting along in Renji he became someone not only important to me but special in many ways and those details made me very happy.

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