
Our return to Spain

Ariana and I were finally returning home after 5 years in Australia for work and studies, finally returning to Spain was like a dream for me, Ariana did not stop looking for a magazine at the airport and after a slight cry that scared me she said

Ariana: -showing the magazine euphorically- look Katyana this boy is very handsome, he's very cute you don't think -then he takes his look at the magazine and saying out loud- his name is Renji Salvatore, he's so cute.

Katyana: -I look at her animatedly and make a silent gesture- Ari please lower your voice, don't you see that we are in a small bookstore -suspires- you are hopeless.

Katyana: *I see that Renji managed to succeed as a model* -smile-

Ariana: Are you all right, Katy? you seem distracted.

Katyana: come on, we have to go to the hotel, it's getting late. -I look at the sky and then at her.

After looking for a book of plants and paying for them we went out to find a cab to take us to the Hotel Doña Blanca, we didn't have a house as such because of the years outside of Spain, but now that we were back we didn't think about leaving, not at least Ariana since I had to travel sometimes.

When we arrived at the hotel and checked in, I decided that we had to make arrangements and then I called Francisco to let him know of our arrival so that he could help me with some things. Since we could not always be in a hotel we had to look for a house for both of us, although the people here already knew us, but I could not spend my savings either. Although I was earning money thanks to some jobs, but it was not to spend it all and I was left in the red, Ariana took care of ordering the food and I took a big bath, but before the bath I told some friends that I was back and if they needed help with any pictures they would let me know.

After that I left my cell phone on the nightstand and went to take a bath calmly, while I left my mind blank and relaxed with the water, I could only think of small things like going at dawn tomorrow to take some pictures and then prepare myself together with Ariana for the job interview; I had an idea of the pictures I wanted to take, although I did not know the angles I was looking for, but just thinking about it took away the stress and burden of the long trip, although just thinking about a house or an apartment for both if it made me leave the cloud.

After the bath, I drank from the water bottle that Ariana had ordered a few minutes ago, she asked for something light to eat for both of us and I was looking for a TV program, as there were so many that I did not know which one to watch until I left it at the Neox channel where they were showing The Simpsons. I found it curious but I could not deny that it was relaxing to laugh for a while, she asked for some stuffed puff pastry rolls and she asked for some hake stuffed with seafood and for dessert a delicious cream and meringue pie.

The drinks were delicious orange juices and after finishing I decided to take out my laptop and make some updates and publications to my close friends that I had returned to Spain and we would meet again. Francisco had asked me for some photos for the cover of his novel and I gladly accepted, as he had some similar ones I chose to send them and let him choose and see if any of them inspired him.

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