
A New Lesson

After receiving the news from Erick, who reported that Edmund and his father, Johnny Iglesias, had arrived in England, Jack became more reserved, whereas before he was very excited to tease Anne who was upset because she couldn't find comfortable clothes for her to wear. 

Carrying a cup of her favorite green tea, Anne walked over to Jack who looked serious in front of his laptop.

"Did something serious happen?" asked Anne quietly.

Jack lifted his face when he heard Anne speak. His beautiful eyes immediately caught the teacup that Anne had brought. Without asking permission, Jack immediately grabbed Anne's teacup and drained it down, even though the tea was still a little hot. 

"Are you okay, Jack?" asked Anne again.

"Of course I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Jack asked Anne back.

Anne took a deep breath. "I don't know, it's just that after you received a call from Erick, your attitude immediately changed."

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