

Chapter 2:

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, where am I? What is this pla- "uggh!" I held my head, memories went through my head at an incredible place.

I watched as my life flashed before my eyes, literally. Images of me growing up became apparent in my mind. I remember being raised by the orphanage I was left at, it was kind of like a church/orphanage.

The orphanage was pretty big, it did have 2 floors. The first floor was a general first floor with a living room, kitchen etc. the second floor housed all the bedrooms of the kids

The irony was killing me as I watched my life flowing through my head, what would they do if they found out I'm the literal incarnation of a sin? I shuddered a bit, would they call an exorcist or something?

But there was a few people I got really close to, the matron and a nun, Sarah was her name was one. I was close to all the nuns but Sarah was my favourite, she was like my elder sister.

I was also very close to the kids, they were all younger than me, since all the older kids had moved out and sent money to the orphanage.

I acted as their older brother and them as my younger siblings, though I was a quiet and usually patient child, I was said to have a terrifying aura and personality when angered badly.

Recently there was a bully that was picking on a kid in the orphanage really badly, when I learned of it I ended up beating the bully up. No one in the orphanage knew of it since I ended up silencing the kid with some more threats that I could and would dish out, thankfully the kid also knew this.

Added on with my reputation as a nice and quiet kid, I don't think anyone will believe the kid.

This was all according to my memories of this place, where they mine or someone else's? A brief sense of guilt came upon me before being squashed by Gamer's Mind, damn it's such a useful skill.

Now's not the time to go over this, I need a plan. According to my memories I'm living in Gravesend, London, at the moment I need to get stronger… a lot stronger. I was so into my thoughts I didn't even notice the bell sound.

If I have to go against literally Hell, I'll be doomed, add on the fact since I'm the prince of Gluttony I'm pretty sure if there are angels of some kind they won't be nice to me at all.

Letting out a sigh, I need to think about what I need to do when my Hogwarts letter arrives. I already checked that my class is Wizard and my race is Wizard as well, as I looked to my right once again that had a floating box:

Race – Wizard

Class – Wizard (Locked)

I stood up from my spot on the ground that I was crumpled on, putting on a jacket I walked out of my room. In my past life I liked occasionally doing different things, reading Fanfictions, walking etc.

Walking downstairs I met one of the nuns, Sheila, according to my memories… and the words hanging over her head.

[Sheila Winston Lvl 13]

"Hi, Al where were you going?" she said with a motherly tone. While I know that the nuns are meant to act as our caretakers, it is a bit annoying that I can't even remember my own mother's face, and while I can't remember that I can remember my mother's love. My dad however…

Either way, in this world those feelings don't matter, my parents in this world presumably abandoned me. While I didn't know them it did leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

"I'm just going out for a walk, I won't be late, don't worry" I said pointing to the door down the hallway.

"Isn't it a bit late?" she was worried, worried for me.

"It's okay I'll be back real quick, I'll also buy some late groceries if you want" I offered.

"umm…" she put a finger on her chin, "well, there is a few things we need, if you can get them please" she asked, quickly scribbling down the groceries needed on a piece of paper and handing it to me with some money as well.

"Sure, I'll be back soon, bye!" I waved and ran out the door, I sighed, it was hard to not look like I'm staring at her, the reason was in front of me:

Quest has arrived!

Buy the groceries!

Sheila has asked you to buy some groceries.


Get the corresponding groceries:

Tomato (0/10)

Pasta (0/5)

Onion (0/5)


Increased Reputation with Orphanage

10 Pounds

Random Reward Box

50 EXP



Decreased Reputation with Orphanage

50 EXP

[Accept/ Decline]

Hmm… well this is nice, since I was just going to go walking to clear my head. I accepted the quest and started walking in the direction of the shops, while this was technically my first time coming this way, my body already knew the way.

On the way I saw an owl -huh, weird- in the sky, then I heard a bell sound, like in most RPGs. Looking in front of me I saw a blue box that read:

[Observe] (Active) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

Allows you to find more about an object/person.

-Able to see targets: Max HP & MP, Short Description.

This will be a useful skill when it levels up a bit more, I observed a random rock, again a bell sound went off but this time it was different.

Rock –Rank: Basic

It's a rock… what did you expect?

Hmm… if I could see only this much at this level then what could I see when I levelled it up a bit more? I started spamming the [Observe] skill.

I only stopped when I realised that I was at the shopping centre. I quickly bought the best ingredients for the price and got out. I heard another ping! As soon as I finished buying the ingredients. Looking at the box in front of me that said:

[Buy the groceries!] Has been completed!


Get the corresponding groceries:

Tomato (10/10)

Pasta (5/5)

Onion (5/5)


Increased Reputation with Orphanage

10 Pounds

Random Reward Box

50 EXP


Accept Rewards?

[Accept/ Decline]

I would accept as soon as I got off the main street, walking into an alley way – while not the safest thing – would do for now. I accepted the rewards, the Reward Box and £10 Pounds appeared in front of me, I quickly grabbed them before they hit the ground. I stuffed the money into my pockets and began unwrapping the silver coloured box, inside was a Dagger. The Dagger was wrapped in bandage that acted as its sheathe as I unwrapped the bandages I saw the colour of the blade, a dark black with serrated edges. I observed it,

Agile Dagger –Rank: Uncommon

A dagger that is used by most agile-type fighters.

+5 DEX when equipped.

DMG: 150

While these were cool and all what I was really excited about was the other reward: '?', it was actually an inventory, or a hammer space that anything inside is in statis. This would come in handy, I threw the groceries and my jacket with my money inside it in the inventory.

"Well well, what do we have here?" a nasally voice asked, oh shit, I stood up with full awareness, the dagger now in my pocket, I held my breath. From the alley way's entrance one person came, but he wasn't the one that spoke, because the one that spoke was in front of me. Shit, how could I get myself in trouble on the first day? They were both level 4.

"Excuse me sirs, d-do you know w-where I-I am?" I said with a fake stutter, hopefully I could get out of here unnoticed, the chance was low but at least there.

"hehehe, yeah sure kid just give us the cash first" said the one from behind,

"b-but my m-mom said t-to not talk with s-strangers" I said, hopefully they can have mercy on a 10 year old, these guys look like they are in there mid-teens.

"tch, just give it to us!" he shouted to me, both of them were running to me now, the one in front brang out something shiny… a knife! The world slowed down and all I could hear was… ping!

Quest Alert!

Emergency Quest!

People that want to kill you have come, so kill them.


Kill these two Hostiles (0/2)


200 EXP

Skill: Bloodlust


A fresh set of clothes




Orphanage and possibly anyone inside burning down.


Next chapter