
The Ones He Shall Miss...



—Centuries Later—

*Clack* *Clack* *Clack*

The sounds of footsteps on the polished floor of a massive hall could be heard as a figure approached the head of the hall and ultimately approached the one seated, on a throne, at that side of the hall.

"Your majesty," said the new arrival into the hall to the frowning, gruff-looking monarch on the throne but the respectful greeting was backed by the most disrespectful tone possible.

"Be as creative with your insults as you please but don't be so condescending... It's beneath you, I think," said the man seated on the throne, and upon further inspection, he appeared a bit uncomfortable as he leaned back into the high back of his throne and tried his hardest not to strain/move his neck.

The figure before him brushed all that aside with a smirk,

"You are a God-king, are you not? Sovereign over this world?" he said.

Next chapter