
The Puzzle Of The Endless Cycle.

A few minutes before Tanya arrived at her mother's office, Harlyn was visited by Hal who calmly sat before her and they just stared at each other for minutes with neither wanting to be the first to break the silence.

It was not exactly a power play, at least not in the case of Harlyn who just wanted so much to learn what Hal had to teach her but was not willing to let her eagerness get the better of her.

Eventually though,

"So how long before this starts?" 

She broke down and spoke with her wanton desire oozing on every word and every pronunciation.

Hal gave a small smile. The little victories were never lost in importance to him.

"As soon as you are ready to truly surrender yourself," Hal said and as he spoke, Harlyn felt hands on her shoulders. Strong hands of comforting firmness that caressed her shoulders before moving over to her neck and roaming as though admiring the shape and structure of it.

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