
The Rip-Out.

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

The final cough was the most aggressive yet for Nozel and caused him to spit out blood into his hand which he had placed over his mouth while coughing.

The Prince looked within himself and sure enough, the spores he had considered not worth note and expected his body to process as the impurities they were were rather getting attached to every drop of blood in his bloodstream.

He had been breathing the spores in since Tanya first started shedding them and his body had judged them as unharmful which was why he had been so careless around them.

His powers gained through the Monument strengthened him through the outside source but that power did not give him increased sensory abilities when in the case of his body. 

It was a kind of power and ability-set gotten from an Artifact (the gem was an Artifact) that had nothing to do with the wielder's body. This was a situation that had its pros and cons;

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