
Practicing The Theory. Part 2. R-18

From that one lick, Lucile was introduced to the wonders that can and always get reaped by any woman who performs fellatio on Hal's cock.

The pleasure already coursing through her body intensified and that was made evident not only by the increase in the liquids between her thighs but also by the hardening of her nipples which were pressing against Hal's legs.

Lucile easily lost herself in the act and that one lick was quickly followed by a succession of licks all of which had Lucile slobbering the large and threatening tool completely before she moved on to the next part of what she had learned.

The next part involved her taking the large cock into her mouth and the very idea was quite intimidating for Lucile on account of the cock's size but the pleasure she had already gotten from licking it made it much easier for her to indulge.

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