
A Bit Of Both.

Hal raised a brow as the Devil Chieftess led him out of the building and towards the back but his raised eyebrow was of course more about what she had said than it was about where she was leading him.

"Care to be more expressive. I'm quite unclear if I should take that as a compliment or an insult. I'm leaning more toward the later though" He said.

Eleanor never stopped walking but she did look back at him with a mild smile,

"A bit of both. As I said, you are much younger than any of my children but none of them can claim to have achieved what you have achieved. 

They are currently on a retreat to better service their skills so that they can better benefit the Debil Tribe. In this aspect, the fact that I see you as a newborn, could be considered a compliment..." Eleanor finally stopped.

At this point, she had led Hal to the center of a large arena that was littered with vestiges of battles... Bloody battles.

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