
Disparity In Levels. Part 2

Phaedra grinned but it was not out of satisfaction but rather a joy to inflict as much pain as she could on those who had tried to contend against her.

Hal had his brows furrowed at the sight and he wondered if this battle might be reaching its conclusion and if it might be time for him to step in and whisk Phaedra away.

Alas, the trio of ladies was not ready to throw in the towel.

The moment Rita hit the building below, a tattered-looking Marla was grinning while she charged an attack that she used to boost Karmen in hopes of catching Phaedra off-guard.


The blast sounded and before it had even reached its crescendo, Karmen was already close to Phaedra and swinging her Broadsword Fiendish Armament towards the Devil woman.

Phaedra smirked and leaned back easily avoiding the sword strike so that Karmen just sailed past in front of her. 

Next chapter