
You Lack Hospitality.

Even as Hal spoke, every guard on the Estate was alerted to the presence of an intruder and they all began to make their to towards the location the arrays had highlighted.

Of course, once the location became clear as the deliberation hall inside which the Chieftess was having her meeting, there was much more rational thinking and fewer people bashing in.

If an intruder had made their way into the very center of the Estate, to a location the Chieftess herself was sitting in, then it was already out of the hands of the regular experts.

Only the best were qualified to make their way there... And they all did.

They came through the doors while Elenor furrowed her brows at the sight of this masked individual who claimed to mean no harm.

This masked individual might have claimed he meant no harm but Elenor did mean him harm but she saw no reason to act when there were so many of her experts present In the hall.

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