

When Hal arrived at the gates of the Royal Academy, he and Sassy got down from the carriage after which Hal approached the guard to show them his badge of honor which showed him to be a student of the Academy.

They scrutinized the badge and then looked over at Sassy,

"She's with me" Hal said with a neutral expression.

Entering the Academy Academy with a companion was not forbidden.

After all, there are Dual cultivators in the Royal Academy and they could not be forced to cultivate by conventional means just because they were now part of the Academy.

"Name?" they then asked.

Hal furrowed his brow, wondering why they would want his name when he had already provided proof that he was a student but he did not voice too much protest as he said,

"Hal Doxon" 

He had been registered with the Doxon name following his performance during the entrance exams by none other than the shameless old man that was his grandfather.

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