
‘Call Her’

"Hal Doxon, we need you to come with us" said the man leading the trio who looked to have been awaiting his arrival.

Clearly, they had known the precise circle in the Duchy capital that he was going to arrive with.

Hal noted that the fact that he was a Doxon was known and acknowledged and he wondered if that made the situation safer or more dangerous for him.

He honestly could not tell.

Blame it on the fact that he had been away for a year.

Maybe he was a bit out of the loop in regards to reading people and their intentions.

The fact that the man sounded polite could be a good or a bad sign but Hal decided to go with good... At least for now.

That said, it would be stupid to simply nod along and go with them without at least a bit of clarification, 

"And... You are?"

The man chuckled,

"We serve the Evgeny family... Our Lady has ordered us to escort you to the family estate."

Next chapter