
Horrific Monstrosity. Part 3

The blood-red glow increased in intensity and as Olivia stared at it, she could feel that Karmen's attempts had been successful and she could not help but feel envy and a wish to be in the same position.

A large spike of what looked to be a solidified liquid form of their ordinary fiendish fog attack stabbed out of the giant's abdomen.


The statue giant's head inclined downward at the protrusion and one of its hands stretched towards it when another spike stabbed out of the socket where its arm (the same one it had been directing towards the protrusion) joined the shoulders and dislodged it...


Olivia watched in awe at the newly stuck out protrusion and how it kept the arm from regenerating before more spikes emerged from different parts of the statue giant's body...


Its other arm...

*Skisch* *Skisch*

... Out of its sides...

Next chapter