
Rose Petal Hotel Suite. Part 2. R-18

Hal rolled his eyes, 

"Was wondering when you would show your stalker face again" he said and bent low to pick Marla up off the ground and take her into one of the rooms to lay her down to slumber peacefully.

Elsa's pink mist had only been to force her to fall asleep for a few hours so that she could truly spend private, quality time with Hal.

Then he returned to the living room where Elsa had gotten herself comfortable as she eyed his return.

She was dressed as flimsily a usual. Her heavy chest held in what was best described as a bikini top with the tiny strings tied at her back. Her lower half was covered by a short skirt that looked more like a piece of emerald green clothing she simply tied at her right curvy hip.

"While your reappearance was expected, I never thought you would be able to get into this hotel room. It's really making me question how much attention they actually put into their security."

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