
Welcome Bonus.

Thanks to his seed planted in Sapphire city, there was nothing that happened there that he did not know about and the whole idea of a cult dedicated to had been quite surprising.

Not because he saw it as silly but because he had planned to do something of that nature eventually.

He was impressed by how Selina had stuck to her guns in regards to it and was quite intrigued at the idea of her as his priestess.

However, what really got his attention, of course, was the arrival of the hunters who he had not thought would come to Tretch forest so soon. His subtle array on Tretch forest was what had first alerted him and then they moved into the city and it all became even clearer.

He had to say, he liked Selina's innovativeness at proclaiming the Sapphirine Prince responsible for the disappearance of the Beasts and could not help but wonder about all the mischief he could cause with that persona.

Anyway, that was all for later.

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