
Garden Of Perils.

Effectively, they had spent ten hours in the harem space and that had only amounted to one outside and it was about time to leave.

Emily had a destination in mind, 

"Come to the Sensual Palace" she said to Hal.

The two ladies were seated on the bed while Hal stood in front of them.

He said nothing and only looked towards Amelia who was smiling mildly.

To make things easier, she allowed him access to her memories in which his absence and how she did not like to be away from him was highlighted. Even though they had only spent a week apart.

At least to her it was only a week while to Hal it was about two weeks because he had not been traveling with a teleportation circle.

Anyway, he saw through her memories that she had been welcomed happily into her mother's side of the family who completely ignored the fact that she was born to a father from the Silva Duchy.

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