
Fog Of Corruption. Part 1

The trigger was pulled and the bolt flew right at Olivia, it's target was the side of her neck and probably would have made contact had it not been for the Blood Knight that leaped atop the platform and hit the bolt out of its path with her hand covered in thick Blood-red fog.

Olivia released the pressure of her Early-stage cosmic Armament Realm cultivation and she summoned her spear Cosmic Armament as well and pierced the neck of the Archer on the ground, ending his life.

Then she looked up at the female Blood knight that had just saved her life and was now embroiled in combat with the second Archer.

Although 'embroiled' was too strong a word seeing as the archer was pierced through by her hand coated in blood-red fog.

"Thank you" Olivia said.

The Blood knight barely glanced at her as she said, 

"It's not over yet"

Sure enough,

So many Plebeians began to alight the platform and dash at the two to overwhelm them.

Next chapter