
Start Of Operation: Gatecrasher. Part 2

It quickly became popular opinion for everyone to steer clear of these lunatics. Obviously, as good-looking as they all were, they were also incredibly vicious.

That said, it did not change the fact that it made Edvard very embarrassed and his glare at Hal did not let him see Selina trying her best to get Hal's attention.

He did notice it though when Hal turned to her and winked, causing the busty girl to blush deeply. A change that caused Edvard to turn speechless while Arnold did not know what to say.

After all, Hal intimidated him terribly.

Attention was quickly back upon the couple who were renewing their vows. 

Marlon was all smiles as he made his wife a promise to always be faithful and not let anything come between them, which Hal believed was quite a stretch considering Death could very well come between them very soon.

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