
Eugene's Departure.

"There was no point attempting to find her but I still had my men search the city for any trace of her but found nothing.

I felt betrayed and I felt lost. I gave her my heart and she crushed it. You can not even begin to comprehend just how much it hurt.

They say there's a thin line between Love and Hate, well, I crossed that line when your mother left me"

'Technically, she's not my mother' Hal thought.

'Depends on how you choose to see it. Your body came from her and while your soul and Blood have nothing to do with her or Gregory, the Body still keeps you two connected' Grimoire told him with a sigh.

Hal knew the Artifact was correct, and while the Devil queen and whoever knocked her up should be the only ones he considered parents, being in this body forced him to acknowledge Svetlana and Gregory.

It was probably why he was feeling very vindictive towards Gregory, which did not make sense,

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