
To Regain Lost Momentum.

Unknown Location...

The Master's Den

Lillian woke up in a groggy manner and was quite surprised to find herself sitting on a bed. A quick look at her surroundings and she finally took in that she was back with her benefactor and said benefactor was not happy.

The Master stood a few distances away from the bed and glared at her in annoyance.

Lillian gulped, she knew she should not have gone after Hal. Not yet at least. Not when it seemed the Master was becoming more interested in him.

But that was what had scared her. The thought that she could end up having to cohabit with her son's killer was worrying.

"I told you to wait" The tone was quiet and there was seemingly no edge to it and yet the pressure bore down on Lillian.

Not enough to suffocate her of course, but just enough to make her fearful.

That said, Lillian remained confident,

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