
It'll be over quickly

This had to be the worst case scenario. Jack knew he could potentially hold his own against one opponent on his level of cultivation but seven was a different, impossible, concept.

The young man sniggered, 

"Is that enough to show you that combat is useless and unnecessary?"

Jack gritted his teeth and gripped the Rune tile tighter as he looked at them closely and then turned to his own companions whom he knew would not really have the ability to offer assistance. The feeling in the pit of his stomach was worsening.

"Hand it over" The young man said again.

"Sure" Jack said "If you can catch me" and he took off into the forest.

The young man and the others with him blinked at the unexpected turn of events.

What the...?

"What are you waiting for? After him" The young man yelled and the Ninth stagers took off after Jack.

Jack could see this was his best bet if he did not want to surrender something he had worked for.

Next chapter