
New Friends and A New Plan

Immediately many of the candidates dispersed. Some left in groups but most went off by themselves Aaron just went to the Cafeteria to get some food. While he was eating he was thinking about what more information he needed.

He felt that he needed some info from older trainers about where most common "rare" Pokémon are and their opinions about the various habitats. He also wanted to find out which Pokémon to avoid no matter what and where their territories are so he doesn't get lost and die.

While he was in his thoughts Alice and three other classmates came and sat down to eat with Aaron.

Alice "Hey! Aaron, what did you think of the class?"

Aaron just looked up and at the others and said "Truthfully or Not?"

Alice "Of course I want the Truth"

Aaron "Hmm, well I thought it was useful information about the system here that I lacked and Jimmy Dean was blunt and to the point. He made sure that people know that it isn't going to be that easy."

Alice "Yeah me too. It helped a bit but I don't know how much more they can help us over these next days."

Aaron "Same."

He then went back to eating.

Alice just shrugged at Aaron's behavior as he was always a loner. She then realized something

"Ohhh I forgot to introduce everyone. Everyone this is Aaron, he was the new transfer student and was my neighbor before we arrived here." She smiled wryly at the last part.

Aaron looked up nodded at the group and Alice started to introduce the three others. "Aaron, these are my best friends. The brunette with a ponytail and glasses is Rachel. She was on the tennis team and she is pretty quiet. She has big breasts and her cup sizes are … her mouth was covered by Rachel who was looking at Alice fiercely. The other two just snickered at Alice's comment.

Rachel who was very red either from anger or embarrassment let out a sigh of relief and looked at Aaron and stuck out her hand "As our over informative friend here was saying my name is Rachel and I was captain of the girl's tennis team. Um, I don't really know much about Pokémon but my little brother played it a bit so I know some of the basics."

Aaron shook her head and replied "No worries"

Alice finally breaking free smiled cheekily and then motioned to the two others. One was a blonde-haired girl who was quite the beauty and Aaron recognized her as one of the more popular girls in the class that always seemed to be with Alice since they where childhood friends. The other was a black-haired boy who had sharp features and had a pretty boy feel about him.

"This here is Zach and his girlfriend Claire. They have been together for a year so don't break them up."

Aaron smiled wryly at Alice and said "Why would I do that. Do you think that little of me?"

Alice shook her head and said "No it's just that Claire here is another beauty. She also has rejected almost every boy including Alex a couple of times."

Alice just gave her a thumbs up.

The two in question shook their heads and just sighed.

Zach took the initiative to greet Aaron and asked "So what have you been doing during your time before the trial?"

Aaron "Well mostly compiling information about this world and lists of Pokémon I want to capture and trying to talk to older trainers to get some tips. But most of the trainers I talk to end up just trying to promote their guild."

Zach was genuinely interested "Wow it seems you have been pretty productive. Do you know a lot about Pokémon?"

Aaron smiled wryly "I played a lot of games, but right now it is not the same"

Zach sighed "I did also but it was just for fun, although I remember some things. That's why using my DP and bought a friend ball. That way my first Pokémon will hopefully be easier to train and more loyal. I also thought if I caught a Zubat I could eventually evolve it into a Crobat and be able to fly. I then realized that Crobats are like 6-7 feet tall. That is massive! In the games, I didn't really think about that but once I went through the Pokedex at the Center I was stunned. Also apparently Crobats are apparently very rare nowadays since that Apocalypse Event or something"

Aaron "WOW that is a good choice of DP. Also, it seems like a solid plan. I found out that there are 6 gates totals and their terrains. If you want a Zubat I would recommend the caves out the Western gate. But you should double-check on that."

Claire interrupted them "Okay Nerds enough of that we can talk about that stuff later. I want to know what everyone got with their DP."

Zach "Aaron don't worry Claire isn't as scary as she seems."

Aaron just saw Claire glared at him which Zach just laughed off.

Claire "I will go first. So I got a couple of athletic clothes for trekking in the wilderness and I spent the rest of the points on the Pokeball and a random Pokémon. I received snowy who Zach said is an Aolan Vulpix. She is such a sweet thing and I can't wait to get back from the Ordeal."

Zach cheekily said, "Technically I was first and I spent everything on that one Pokeball."

That just got a couple of eye rolls from the girls while Aaron nodded.

Alice chipped in "I did the same as Claire and got Lue my Riolu."

Then she turned to Rachel and said "Ray you go next"

Aaron then turned his attention to Rachel who he now got a good look at. She was average in height and had thick-rimmed glasses. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail but she left some bangs on either side of her face. She was definitely not as flat as the two other girls which Aaron thought that Alice is secretly jealous of. She wore simple clothing and carried some books with her making Aaron think she is pretty studious.

Rachel spoke softly "Well my name is Rachel, um I also got a Pokémon, and Zach called it a Happiny. He also said it was a really rare Pokémon that helped heals everyone. So with the rest of my points, I got some books about first aid and medicine."

Aaron was stunned 'Riolu, Ice Vulpix, and Happiny I am pretty sure these girls stole all the other classmates' luck in drawing for Pokémon.'

Aaron smiled and responded "That is awesome now you can help your friends if they get hurt. I would see if you could learn anything from Julie before if you want as she is also a nurse."

Rachel smiled brightly and nodded seeming enthusiastic about the idea.

Aaron "Well I got a watch, that is also a Pokedex"

The two girls "…"

Zach stared wide-eyed "Crap I should have gotten that. My friend ball is a one-time use!!."

Aaron just smiled and Alice chipped in "I was the one who found it!"

The group proceeded with small talk getting to know one another till they all went their separate ways to prepare.

Days seemed to pass by quickly and the only notable thing was that Aaron increased his endurance and coordination by working out and became decent friends with Zach.

Jimmy Dean and two other B-Rank trainers gave an introduction to Guilds on one of the days. This further assured Aaron of his decision to not join one. He didn't know what all the other candidates thought about it, but he could care less about them as some of them started to become arrogant after they were approached by many different guilds and businesses.

Apparently there was a rumor circulating that this year's selection as a large number of talents. So even restaurants, dojos, and other trainer reliant organizations started to approach the 40 prospective trainers. Even though some of the citizens despise trainers, the business ran off of the resources and Pokémon that the trainers gather from outside the wall.

The guild session was basically what Aaron expected. Trainers are expected to perform certain duties and tasks through the guild and in exchange they could get housing, food, trainer items, and Pokémon items at discounted prices. The tasks that they complete a percentage go back to the guild and the higher the trainer rank the fewer restrictions. Some of the Guilds like the Big 3 would even give you a Pokémon Egg if they deemed you to have very good potential as a trainer. Apparently the guilds compete with each other in order to take some missions but that is mostly at the higher levels. It is also mentioned that there are only 30 S-Rank trainers within the whole league government and all of the known city-states and three of those S-Rank trainers were the Guild Masters of the three major guilds who were on stage during the ceremony. Junction also had 9 of the overall 30 S-Rank trainers The other trainers although A-Rank are just half a step away from increasing their grades.

Aaron also heard that Junction is special kind as a city-state because it has 3 Gym leaders and is essentially ran by the Trainer Guilds while the mayor just handles the other citizens. Other City-States are generally run by either a Major Family such as The Joys, Oaks, or Jennys or a gym leader that has either an A or S rank. At most the small cities and border towns have 1-2 S-Ranks that help out with other nearby cities. Word actually got out to the families and other City-States and those who could send representatives to scout out potential talent for their City-State. Junction was different than other City-States as it had a very large trainer and civilian population and since there was a large need in other City-States they allowed them to make offers to trainers.

Aaron was also intrigued by the specializations of different cities, Pallet City(Oak's City-State) was where there was a lot of research done and they even had a college dedicated to Professors and teachers. Joy's City specialized in healing and medicine while Jenny's specialized in Military and Defense structures. There where a couple of other City-States in the region that focused on developing new technology(old and new) while many others were solely dedicated to farming, breeding Pokémon, and mining. These seemed to be the smaller cities although almost every large city had to farm it was different because they had more resources to be able to specialize.

The technology was still rather advanced and individual items could be sent between cities by teleportation machines but the fees for that were very high. So many City-States relied on trainers to deliver extra goods to other developments so that they could be sold.

Aaron thought that it would be interesting to visit other cities if he ever received a mission or got strong enough.

Days passed by and their small group acquired a map of the city and surroundings from the central district. It outlined general landmarks and some places to avoid. For example within the dense Forrest there where an area is known for its numerous amount of Beedrill Hives so it would be best for the prospects to avoid that area. A lot of the prospective trainer class seemed to break off into some groups who were taught by various trainers from a variety of different guilds.

Our group decided that it would be best to take the ordeal in the grasslands as it has a variety of Pokémon along with housing some rarer Pokémon. We concluded that the Northern Gate was the most dangerous as it leads solely to the desert while the western gate was almost equally as dangerous as it leads to the mountains and caves where there was a large number of strong pokemon. We all hoped that we would be able to choose where we could take the trial. Zach wanted to go to the mountains while the rest wanted the Eastern or SouthEastern gate. Days seemed to fly by as everyone diligently prepared and before everyone knew it the Day of the Ordeals had arrived.

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