
When The Past Claims Its Place

The waiter arrived with their dishes, which broke that awkward moment. Chloe returned to her initial position while Evan emptied his glass of wine in just one sip.

Chloe lost her appetite and Evan asked casually, as if it was nothing wrong:

“You won’t eat? I thought you’d liked Japanese food.”

“Yes, I like it…” she answered looking at her plate.

Chloe forced herself to eat a little, once she didn’t want to give further explanations. She was feeling uncomfortable but she tried to keep a casual conversation with Evan.

His answers were short and he was looking to Jill’s table once and a while, which made Chloe pissed off.

When Chloe thought it couldn’t get any weirder, she heard a well-known female voice.

“Good afternoon!”

“What are you doing here, Jill?” Evan asked dryly, with his jaw clenched.

Chloe was in shock but she didn't let anyone notice how affected she was. She was just staring at Jill with cold eyes.

“I need to talk to you.” Jill stated, clearly ignoring Chloe’s presence.

“I don’t have anything to talk to you.” Evan didn’t glance at none of the women. He had his wine glass in hand and it looked like it was a very important object at that moment.

“But I do! And it’s private.” Jill sounded impatient.

When Jill realized that he would not let his guard down, she added: “Please, it’s important. It will take five minutes.”

Evan looked at Chloe and she was staring at him indifferently. Her eyes were darker than usual and her body was contracted with tension.

“I’ll be right back, Chloe.” his eyes were wary, studying her reaction.

Jill had a smirk on her face. She finally got her five minutes of attention.

Chloe kept her eyes on them until they disappeared somewhere close to the restrooms. She had a mix of feelings and her heart was tight. That was the kind of situation Chloe never thought to witness though.

She wondered for a moment if she was jealous, but that thought faded away quickly when she realized Victor was seated in front of her, where Evan was minutes before.

“It looks like we were both abandoned by heartless partners at this lovely afternoon.” he stated with a smug smile on his face.

Victor had feline eyes with a malicious gleam. That middle-aged man was handsome and charming but he could not be compared to Evan. The negative energy he exuded made Chloe shiver. It scared her somehow.

“As you already know, me and Evan, we don’t have the same purposes in life.” he raised his eyebrows. “I don’t like the way he plays with people… So I was thinking maybe we can work together.”

Victor had his eyes on her, analyzing Chloe’s reaction. As he saw she hadn’t understood, he continued:

“Or we separate them or we can tear them down. It’s up to you.” Victor leaned forward. “I can see you are a good person. You don’t deserve a cruel man like Bailey. He is not the loving man you think he is. He is playing with you and you’ll get hurt since you can’t go against his power. You are just another toy he wants to conquer to have fun in bed.”

“Stop it!” she ordered rudely.

“I bet you are not a woman who likes to be played with. You're smart.” he smirked. “We can be a great couple, Chloe. Don’t settle down for less than you deserve, honey.”

“You’re disgusting! Your girlfriend is here and even so, you have the courage to propose me something like this.” Chloe was controlling her anger to speak low and slowly.

“Don’t be ridiculous! What do you think they’re doing? Chatting as old friends?” Victor laughed falsely. “You still have a lot of things to learn about this world, Chloe. Be welcome!”

She couldn’t endure that conversation anymore. Chloe took a look around to find Evan somewhere, but she didn’t see him.

She got up and followed the same direction he did before, leaving an arrogant Victor behind.

After minutes, when she was almost giving up on her search, Chloe finally found Evan and Jill in a more reserved place.

Nevertheless, she was not prepared to see that scene.

Evan had his hands on Jill’s waist while Jill had her arms wrapped around his neck.

They were kissing passionately.

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