
Not Every Surprise Is Good

Fired. That’s the first thing that came out in her mind.

After the mistake of talking about his fiancée yesterday, today was the last straw.

Chloe was too confused. Many things happened at the same time, she couldn’t handle it. She always worked hard to achieve her goals, to help her parents and to grow as a professional. However, at that moment, she was disappointed with herself. She could have done better.

She allowed herself a stop at the Coffee Room to drink some water. Suddenly, she looked at the glass and gave a little smile, remembering her boss saying that she should keep a bottle of water on her desk.

“Bossy” Chloe whispered, with a sad smile. “I’m gonna miss this place.”

She threw the disposable glass away as she walked out of the room. It was the time to visit the devil.

Chloe knocked on the door twice. After his permission, she entered the room.

On her way to Mr. Bailey’s office, she decided she wouldn’t let him see how much this situation affected her. So when she entered the room, she was convinced that she did her best.

“Mr. Bailey.” she kept her chin up, with an upright pose.

He was signing some papers and then he looked up at her direction.

“Take a sit, Ms. Rodriguez.”

This phrase made Chloe even more confused. During all this time working for him, he never asked her to take a sit. Something was really wrong and she didn’t have a clue what it would be.

Her body was all contracted and her heels started to tighten her feet. Her throat was dry and she could feel the burning inside her stomach.

“No, thank you. I’m fine here.” Chloe said quickly.

If she sat, she could relax and then, she would cry. That was what she thought.

“Fine.” Mr. Bailey said, while he got up. “I’ll go straight to the point then.”

He walked around the table and he leaned on it, in front of her.

“Do you have a boyfriend, Ms. Rodriguez?” he simply asked, as if they were talking about the weather.

“What?” she almost screamed. Her eyes couldn’t be more widen.

“It’s a simple question. Do you have a boyfriend?” he repeated calmly.

“Yes!... No!” she was confused. After a sigh, she corrected herself. “I mean, no. I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“Great.” he sounded pleased. “Meet me for a dinner tonight. 8pm at Hilton.”

Chloe failed to maintain her upright posture. She was too shocked. Her mouth was half-open, she could not say a word. Her mind was a complete mess. It seemed like she was living a nightmare. What a day!

While she was clearly confused and desperate, he was majestic, untouchable. He had a serene face, with no feeling being shown.

“Me? Having dinner with you?” she asked after a few minutes, clearly impacted.

“Yes.” he answered, returning to his chair. “And don’t be late. I hate delays.”

Chloe was static, speechless. She could not describe what was in her mind at that moment. She just wanted to wake up from that bad dream.

But this was wrong, wasn’t it? She was his Personal Assistant, not his toy. She could accept it or not. Who this man thought he was to impose his will in whomever he wanted? He never heard a no during his life? Maybe that was the reason why he was dumped by his ex-fiancée. When Chloe was about to spill out her thoughts, he interrupted her.

“You can leave now, Ms. Rodriguez.”

Mr. Bailey was already sat, with some papers in his hands.

“No, wait.” she took a deep breath and swallowed hard. She was trying to find the courage to speak. “What if I don’t show up? This is my choice.”

She stared at him, dismayed.

“No, you didn’t understand.” he said, while he took his eyes off the papers and glanced at her. “This is not an invitation. It’s an order.”

“Are you kidding, right?” Chloe thought she couldn’t be more surprised. He was very arrogant indeed.

“Be careful, Ms. Rodriguez. You’re still talking to your boss.” he advised her. “We have business to discuss during dinner.”

His tone was not harsh, but firm.

Mr. Bailey analyzed her from head to toe before he looked right into her eyes.

“You can go now.” he simply said.

Chloe was mortified. How could a man be so intimidating?

She took a few seconds to process what he had just said. And a few more seconds to made her way towards the door. Speechless.

What kind of business dinner could that be?

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