
Chapter 46: The Meeting

"We can't just let her keep running free. She's freaking out the population," Jimmy growled.

"We need to know why she's here," Janice said calmly. "When we figure out what her angle is, we can decide if she is a threat to us."

"I'm telling you, she's not like that. She's not malicious. If Alex was here to hurt people, don't you think she would have done it by now? You saw how she handled those ingrates." He shot a look at Jimmy. "She could have killed them, but she didn't. It was self-defense."

"Self-defense or not, we have to consider the five thousand other people living here. They don't want a hybrid here. People don't feel safe," Jimmy said.

"Yes, why is a hybrid living among the humans? Does she think she is so much better than us? She can walk around and lord over us?" Sherry of the department of information distribution said.

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