
Chapter 44

He felt her loss before he opened his eyes. It was like a missing piece of his soul. He'd felt it the day his mother died. He felt it each time Katerina did her dark little dance out of his life. He felt it now. She may still be close, but he'd been steadily losing her over the last few days. It was why he'd implanted her with a tracking chip. Because he knew his little escape artist. Knew that she plotted and planned. Yet he'd fallen for her cheap trick because his concern for her welfare combined with his desperate need to believe he could trust her had caused him to make a mistake. One that he was going to bitterly regret.

Flinging the blankets off his naked chest, he rolled from the empty bed and searched the darkness, a hunter attempting to track his prey. The master bedroom door that he had locked securely before bed was now standing open. Roman pulled on a pair of worn jeans and rushed into the hallway bellowing, "Katie!"

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