
Fisher Tiger is Weak...

Chapter 15 (BONUS CHAPTER)


Title: Fisher Tiger is Weak...


-General POV-

Fisher Tiger really couldn't keep the shock from his face when something crashed on the road in front of him.

He then was even more shocked when a Fishman kid came out of the smoke rubbing his head while saying. "Damn that hurt a lot! This is gonna suck now I have to run all the way back to the party. Naruto and Escanor will have probably eaten all of the food before I would have even arrived!"

That is Kisame as he seems more annoyed by the distance that he was thrown than the throw itself. He keeps complaining about Naruto and Escanor to no end about how those two will eat all of his food and such.

That is when Kisame just looks in front of him and notices Fisher Tager. When he does so, he has a confused look on his face. "Who are you, red guy? I haven't seen you around here before."

When Fisher Tiger heard Kisame call him a red guy, he became a little annoyed but he remembers that the kid in front of him was just a young child. So being angry at him would be needless and silly.

Fisher Tiger decided to answer the kid by saying. "My name is Fisher Tiger, I came here to talk with someone named Jaws."

When Kisame heard this a bright smile appears on his face and he says. "Oh, so you are here to meet dad! That is amazing since you must be one of his friends. Anyway, welcome to Jaws' City. This place is fun and it is owned by my dad. If you see a child around it has a pretty high chance of being my sibling so you better not hurt, annoy, talk, or even let them see your ugly face. Or I will have to beat you up really bad."

Fisher Tiger just looked at the child in front of him, talking about violence like it was nothing.

If he didn't know any better he would have reprimanded the kid but he could already guess whose child this was and him acting like that would get him killed. So he just said. "Can you take me to your father?"

Kisame's smile comes back on his face as he answers. "Of course. By the way, my name is Kisame."

Fisher Tiger nods at this. "Nice to meet you Kisame."

'He seems like a polite kid, but very protective of his siblings.' Contemplates Fisher Tiger as he smiles at Kisame while he shows him the way to where his dad is.


After that, ad they walk along they are all quiet, except Kisame's whistling which was loud, uncoordinated, and annoying.

Though Fisher Tiger while looking at Kisame he couldn't help but think of how he saw him just fall from all of that height and not even have a scratch on him.

 'As Neptune said… a family full of monsters.' Thought Fisher Tiger with a slight fear etched into his being. After all, something that Kisame could survive without a scratch… he would definitely die from it. No questions asked...


When they arrived back at the castle. Kisame saw his siblings like usual just messing around, with Naruto and Escanor seeing who can eat the most. Though since Naruto was half Escanor's age he was the one to give up first.

Kisame just stealthily tried to not annoy his father anymore so he went back to eating, not even looking at his father in the eyes as Jaw narrows his eyes at him slightly.

Fisher Tiger has a whole different look on his face though. He is a little shocked. When he sees Jaws, he immediately understands that he is definitely the father of Kisame because of their uncanny resemblance.

But what bothers him, even more, are the Fishwomen, Mermaids, and Human Girls surrounding him.  Even though they had smiles on their faces some of them seemed desperate, others had a tense atmosphere between them, and some others even while smiling have an indifferent look on their faces.

But Fisher Tiger didn't dare say anything. Especially when he saw the man sitting in there eating a salad and big pieces of meat while entertaining any of the kids that came to ask something from him.

And even with Jaws casual demeanor Fisher Tiger could sense that he was no match for Jaws, it was simply pure instinct. 'It is no wonder he was able to take over.'


-Jaws (MC) POV-

I just look at the person in front of me, Fisher Tiger. Remembering One Piece I can already guess where this is going and why he came here.

I just look at him as he bows down and asks. "Are you Jaws?"

I smile at Fisher Tiger as he asks that. I notice that some of the other Fishman around seem to recognize him, they are a little shocked when he bows down to me… but that just reaffirms to them that my influence is even bigger than they ever imagined.

I take a sip of tea and ask Fisher Tiger with a friendly tone to my voice. "Why are you here comrade?"

Fisher Tiger's eyes wander around, seemingly a little uncomfortable. But when he sees my inaction he just says. "I am planning to climb the Red Line and go to Mary Geoise."

His look hardens even more and a fire is lighted in his eyes as he says. "And I am going to free all of the slaves of the Celestial Dragons."

Yep, I guessed it right, so it seems like he has the same goal as he did in the anime. So in the end I just give to him my reaffirmation. "Okay, you can go there whenever you want. It isn't really a problem for me."

Fisher Tiger just has a conflicted look on his face as he says. "Thank you."

And then... he just leaves.

When he does so, I can hear Mikoto, my eldest daughter ask. "Dad, can he really do it?… he seems kind of weak. Kisame could easily defeat him."

I just turn my head and look at my daughter, I can see a cold calculating look on her eyes as she looks at the back of Fisher Tiger. Well, she is my daughter so her doing that isn't surprising...

Mikoto then looks me in the eyes and I just smile at her while saying. "You shouldn't underestimate someone's will, Mikoto. Especially when they have that look in their eyes. Also, there are not a lot of Fishman Kisame can't defeat.  My bets are on that he can do it. He will probably free the slaves, and might even come out of it alive."

As soon as she hears me say this Mikoto replies with a greedy smile on her face. "I will take that bet. I bet all of my savings 100.000 ß…"

Then she has a mischievous look on her face as she turns towards her siblings and says. "Hey come and take this bet, you guys. Also Kisame... give me all your money."

And just like always Kisame who can't just say no to his siblings, without even asking a question gives her the 100 ß that he has in his pockets.

They all come and bet. They mostly follow Mikoto's bets after all in their eyes they are used to Kisame's and my strength so they immediately considered Fisher Tiger as weak. Well, this will teach them to not underestimate even someone weak like Fisher Tiger.

Though there are some who bet on my side… I also see a cat on the pile of money that we all put… I just look at one of my kids with blue eyes and spiky blond hair. "Naruto, what is your cat doing in the betting pool?"

He just looks around unconfidently and says. "Uhhh... I spent all of my money so I put Dead Cat in there."

I can't help but sigh. He did name his cat, Dead Cat, he really doesn't have a good naming sense. Kind of like me actually, I did name all of my kids after anime characters that they resemble.

"And if you win the bet what do you win, another cat?" I ask him out of curiosity.

He just puts his finger on his mouth and drools a little as he says. "No I don't really like Dead Cat that much, so I wouldn't want another."


*Sigh*... this is really stressful…




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