
Chapter 44


I wake to a blaring sound coming from the ground to the right of me. I open my eyes slowly and feel warmth coming from my left side. Candice sleeps soundly on my chest and the memories from last night come rushing back to me. Fuck this woman is something.

I wanted to be gentle but that went right out the window when she whispered dirty words in my ear. Candice was definitely made for me in the bedroom, now I just wonder if she was made for me in the clubhouse.

The deafening sound starts again, and I realize it's a ringtone coming from my phone. One that I most certainly did not put on there. I don't recognize the song but it's some chick singing and sounds like cats attacking each other. I pick it up before it hurts my ears again and answer the call.

"What the fuck did you do to my phone?" I yell to my brother. I hear Candice laughing her ass off, so I know she is awake.

"Sorry bro, had to. Figured that was your jam." Max laughs at his own joke on the other end.

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