
Bold assumptions

TIME : 5:49PM


"You called for me??"

A figure wearing a cloak could be seen kneeling before another male figure wearing a cloak who seemed to have his eyes to the sky.

"The next set of matches will prove to be difficult for our champion. We must ease his road to success."

The standing male figure remarks in a calm tone.

" What do you ask of me, supreme leader??"

The kneeling figure asks in a determined tone.

"His next opponent will be a dangerous weapon master that if not well taken care of might just deal the final blow. I do not seek for the loss of our champion just yet. The Eater is still growing within him and thus requires nourishment going further. If he were to lose the next match then there would be no other avenue to feed the Eater before the appointed time."

The standing male figure remarks bringing his gaze down to rest in the kneeling figure before him.

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